Leather jacket care?


New Member
To those that wear leather, what type/level of care is required? I am contemplating buying a good leather jacket, likely a Dainese, and I'm curious what I'll need to do to take care of it.
I haven't ever done anything to my leather jacket other than wear it and wipe off the bugs... LOL I haven't ever conditioned the leather seats in my car either. The leather they are using these days for seats, jackets, etc I believe rarely needs any care other than just a wipe down. Just my opinion...
I clean my Dainese with a warm wet cloth to clean the bugs off. There are great spray on wipe off leather cleaners. I use one on the car seats called Rejuvenate. It has always worked well for me. You must leave a few bugs on the jacket so you look like a serious rider.:)
I clean my Dainese with a warm wet cloth to clean the bugs off. There are great spray on wipe off leather cleaners. I use one on the car seats called Rejuvenate. It has always worked well for me. You must leave a few bugs on the jacket so you look like a serious rider.:)

pretty much my approach but I don't put leather conditioner/cleaner on it.
Or il works great. I only use the cleaner, not the conditioner. Never had any problems.

Another vote for the Lexol. I get my supply of it through Amazon. This size will last you quite a while. We use it on our leather furniture, car seats, even the wife's nice Michael Kors purse.

You say that like it means something in the motorcycle community. ;)
I'm proud to say, I have no idea what that is. :D
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I have a leather icon jacket and just ordered icons cleaner and conditioner the other day. Haven't gotten it yet but I'll let you know how it works.

jman... I too have an icon jacket and was gunna buy their cleaner & conditioner. However, I was to impatient to wait for shipping. The icon stuff is made by lexol so i assume its similar to the regular lexol that I purchased from the store. Anyway, let us know how it is.
My leather only ever sees baby wipes (non scented) for cleaning,

it is what my neighbour (he is a furniture upholsterer) only reccomends for leather =as they will not discolour, dryout or polish the leather

polishing: the leather in any way will stiffen the outer dermis (remember it is a skin) thus making it fragile and cracking =then you got problems with greater moisture absorbtion

dryout: the leather similar to above

discolour: well you dont pay top dollar for colours only to see them change/ smear/ fade inconsistently
My leather only ever sees baby wipes (non scented) for cleaning,

it is what my neighbour (he is a furniture upholsterer) only reccomends for leather =as they will not discolour, dryout or polish the leather

polishing: the leather in any way will stiffen the outer dermis (remember it is a skin) thus making it fragile and cracking =then you got problems with greater moisture absorbtion

dryout: the leather similar to above

discolour: well you dont pay top dollar for colours only to see them change/ smear/ fade inconsistently
Wow! That is an eye-opener. Thanks :thumbup:

Yeah, with leather care its hard to know what to do, Lexol softens leather significantly, so don't use too much, I think it can actually break down leather if used too often or too large of a single dose, which I believe is what happened to my wife's car seats. Zymol Treat is a little less softenening but can streak, and there is a deep restoration product called Leatherique as well.

My strategy on my new jacket is to clean the bugs off with a wet cloth, water only, and dry immediately, and do this only until I start seeing some age or drying. Once I see the leather aging a bit, then maybe a light coat of Lexol, or I may even try a deeper restoration of Leatherique, I hear really good things about that product.
