Just got out of the hospital. I messed up.


New Member
Holy crap!!!!! Thank God you're ok jspansel!! I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. Very scary.

As I was reading your story, it reminded me just about exactly what I did only a week ago, but I rode right across the wrong side of the road eventually into the grass and laid it down. My shoulder hurts, but its nothing like what you're going through.

Hang in there. Do your physical therapy as much as it sucks and hurts and you'll hate it -- because you want to regain as much use of that shoulder as you can.

I'll keep your dad and his health in my prayers. :)


New Member
we're all just glad you are ok...even though alot of us dont know you, its a blow to the riding community and a wake up call. I think your gut instinct that something is wrong is your best tool. I remember when I didnt get much sleep one morning and went riding with some very experienced guys and almost killed myself twice. I felt out of it and little control. Since then, If I'm not physically feeling well or just thinking like today is the day I dont ride, I will listen to that. You cant crash a bike staying at home to feel better.



New Member
Glad you are ok and there wasn't any more permanent injury. Try not to think of what could have been, but rest well in the hospital and enjoy your family.

Wish you a speedy recovery :)


Super Moderator
Thank you everyone for the thoughts and prayers, especially for my father.

His condition has not improved. They are feeding him morphine as he is having severe pain in his chest. They fear they need to stop his heart and shock it to get it to start the way it should. I am very worried.

I went to the shoulder doc today and he wouldnt even do anything for me. He said everything is too swollen and sore everywhere for him to see how bad (or not) it is in there. I asked why he couldnt just do the MRI scan and he said there are a few types to try. Some involve large needles to insert dies. He doesnt want to do anything he might not need to.

The ER said its most definitely tears but he seems to think I might have gotten lucky and its not as bad. The dislocation has made everything very swollen so he wants me to come back in a week to do the exam then more clearly.

Even in my sling, if I let my shoulder relax it feels like its falling right out of socket again. So painful I almost pass out and vomit. He gave me an "absolutely do not return to work" for minimum of 2 weeks. I will know better next week if that will need to be extended and I start short term dissability. Hopefully its not as bad as they initially thought. Hurts just the same though :(

My ankle is still swelling and very painful even more this morning. My hip and ribs are killing me as well. Got to look at my gear a little better today and it is amazing how well it handled. No rips or tears at all. Absolutely worth its weight in gold.

I will try to find out when the insurance is going to look at the bike. I want to go there and see it before they take it if they do. Havent even seen it yet :(


Super Moderator
Shop just called and said estimate of damge is $4962.20. So its most likely going to be totalled. He said its drivable though. But both right side pegs snapped off, plastics trashed, front cowling cracked, swingarm took a nasty hit he said... I am going by there tomorrow to take pics of it.

Talked with the guy that was behind me and he said I dumped it harder than I thought I did. I may very well have blacked out and not known it.

I remember hitting the ground and sliding then looking at the sky and realizing my shoulder was shot after I rolled over.

He said I didnt leave the bike until the bike hit the dirt mound and I shot off like super man. I also slid up the hill and apparently right into a large log and rolled back down the hill! :eek: So I may have blacked out for a sec when I hit the log.
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New Member
id say that it is more than likely totaled at that amount.
its amazing when you get in an accident, what you details you can vividly remember, and than others that you can not believe actually happen.

i hope you are on plenty of meds b/c the way you describe your shoulder, it sounds like you have alot of work and time ahead of you just to get to 80%.


Super Moderator
Well I just got back from seeing my bike for the first time and am surprised how well it looks. After getting the estimate I thought it would be completely destroyed. But anything that is scratched needs to be replaced to get it back to the way it was. So that means swingarm, fairings, front fairing, peg assembly, handle bars bent, foot brake, exhaust, etc. Also not pictured, because I didnt notice it until we were leaving, but I guess the left side fairing has a crack running through it. Pictures kind of suck. Taking pics left handed and shoulder was killing me. Just tried to snap what I could. I will wait and see what the buy back is for it.



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New Member
Amazing. Your FZ6R held up pretty well!

Perhaps you can buy it back and use it as a track bike? After you recover fully of course.


New Member
I'm glad to hear that you are OK and were wearing full leathers!!! You are right, I'm pretty sure that saved you; I can't tell you how many squids I see riding around here wearing tanktops and shorts.

Hope you recover quickly, from experience rest and patience are critical to recovery. I had a fall back in '06, fractured my left humerus and right thumb. Took me about 4 weeks to get to 40%, another 8 weeks to get to 85% and probably another year to get back to 98% (where i am today).

Best wishes to your father as well...


Super Moderator
Been thinking about what to do with the bike. It seems for sure it will be totaled. I should know for sure by Monday. I am thinking very seriously about getting a FZ1. Without the accident on there, it would only raise insurance about $10 a month.

They guy at the shop said if the buyback is a good price, he should be able to find someone to buy it and make me a couple hundred. I hope so.


New Member
Been thinking about what to do with the bike. It seems for sure it will be totaled. I should know for sure by Monday. I am thinking very seriously about getting a FZ1. Without the accident on there, it would only raise insurance about $10 a month.

They guy at the shop said if the buyback is a good price, he should be able to find someone to buy it and make me a couple hundred. I hope so.

+1 on the FZ1:D


Staff member
I am SO GLAD that you are alive! I just got back from a business trip and saw the thread. The bike doesn't look all that bad. I hope that your arm isn't as bad as first thought and that you can heal up quickly without major surgery and extensive therapy. You and your father are in my thoughts.



New Member
Please do not take this the wrong way,but I feel that you should stay away from the FZ-1. Big Bike with lots of power that can get any one in trouble fast. With the power that todays bikes have, there is really(I.M.H.O.) no need to say get anything over a 600-800 cc. Also would you make more money if you bought the 6R and parted it out? I am sure that there are some items that you could sell (like the motor for someone to mod),wheels (to paint etc).


Super Moderator
Please do not take this the wrong way,but I feel that you should stay away from the FZ-1. Big Bike with lots of power that can get any one in trouble fast. With the power that todays bikes have, there is really(I.M.H.O.) no need to say get anything over a 600-800 cc. Also would you make more money if you bought the 6R and parted it out? I am sure that there are some items that you could sell (like the motor for someone to mod),wheels (to paint etc).

It all depends on what the buy back is for it. Not sure yet so I cannot say. If its something like under $1,000 I will surely jump on it.

I understand your concern about the FZ1... but I dont think its something I couldnt handle. Such as this crash, It was completely my fault with no sleep, got angry, and was just plainly zoned out. It would have happened no matter what I was riding. I really like the FZ1. Its got a low RPM when cruising at 70+mph, great power when I need it, adjustable suspension, etc. I was thinking of the FZ6, but im just not sure if I would always be wanting more... I think the FZ1 would be a bike I could keep forever. Wouldnt feel any need to upgrade and its a great price.


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New Member
I saw the pics of you on your FZ6R hanging off it with race leathers on...You owe it to yourself to try a CBR1000RRA. Just trust me on this:iconbeer:


Super Moderator
I saw the pics of you on your FZ6R hanging off it with race leathers on...You owe it to yourself to try a CBR1000RRA. Just trust me on this:iconbeer:


My buddy is selling his R1 at the end of the summer.... Hmmm....
