it sucks when...

-When there is not NEARLY enough awesome formfitting and flattering womens gear to buy so you have to just deal with whats out there and spend tons of $$$ on something you really do NOT love. No? Is that just me then? :rolleyes:

My wife has the same complaint. She enrolled in a fashion design academy in order to learn how to design and construct garments- for women on 2 wheels. She's going to be focusing more on scooter gear (much larger market) but I have her convinced to work with heavy-duty gear as well. Keep in touch and I'll keep you updated on the progress, but it'll take a while to get up and running. :thumbup:
You're excited to take the bike to work for the first time, good weather in the morning, and a few hours before you're set to go home you hear the first crack of thunder outside, and realize you've got no rain gear, and its gonna be a crappy ride home.
When you see a big line of cars using the exit and but dont feel like waiting behind a line of cars so you pull to the front of the cars and merge onto the ramp at the last second only to notice you just cut off a cop car :eek:
kenny thats funny as hell....Im laughing out loud in my office ty very much :)
When you see a big line of cars using the exit and but dont feel like waiting behind a line of cars so you pull to the front of the cars and merge onto the ramp at the last second only to notice you just cut off a cop car :eek:

I'd like to hear the ending to this story =]
It sucks when you pull into a parking lot at a coffee shop and there's a couple of dozen bike guys chillin out, you think you're in second but you're in third going like 10 km when a cager comes out of the drive through. You go to stop quicky cuz you were checking out the bikes and almost dump yours. Then you go to start off and forget that you're in third cuz now youre like "shit everyone just saw that" and stall out :( happened to a friend of a friend of mine ;)
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I love the thread tags here hahaha
When your riding 60 MPH with your visor up because you get stuck in the dark w/o your clear visor and you take a GIANT junebug to the left side of your eyeglasses, it splatters all over your face and you can't see out of the left side and half to pull off the road and clean everything up.
when you are being taunted by a junk cage at the stop and after light switches green and you thoroughly beating the cage in the 1st gear... you shift into neutral... yes... we also had to stop at the following light and exchanged awkward gazes :rolleyes:
Heading home from school cutting through traffic and try to squeeze between a dumptruck + a car and slightly clip the car's mirror (no damage).. thinking to myself at least nobody will know about it.. to find out the next day it was a co-workers car that I clipped (and he recognized me). :tard:
its sucks are next to a car in a two-lane traffic circle and they decide that moving into your lane is a great idea because they didn't read the damn signs properly.

i ended up sprinting ahead of the car. i <3 traffic circles - great place to drag a knee!
its sucks are next to a car in a two-lane traffic circle and they decide that moving into your lane is a great idea because they didn't read the damn signs properly.

i ended up sprinting ahead of the car. i <3 traffic circles - great place to drag a knee!

whats a traffic circle?
Getting nailed in the neck by a wasp and then having your girlfriend find it in your bellybutton. Mood Killer!!
this might be a repeat of myself, but.....

you pull out in first, crank the throttle, and shift up....into neutral!

bounced the rev limiter a few times :( i hope my baby is ok. i :wub: her!

did a solid 150 miles today.
