it sucks when...

real men ride w/ pink.:thumbup: ;)
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Lol this is an AWESOME thread. As a Noob it's a rich fountain of mess ups I will try to avoid. Especially the tucking, speeding up, and not slowing down before coming back up....>_>
When something itches... your head, face, leg, ANYTHING, and you can't scratch the b*tch because of all your gear and gloves!! Ahhh!!
-You rattle off half of an $80 pair of sliders.

-You realize your cover isn't 100% waterproof as you take it off for a 40 degree ride to work.

-You don't realize anything wrong with your seating position on the bike, until you hit an unexpected bump in the road that mashes your man-parts and makes you want to cry.
When you unknowingly hit gravel
Jumping on the kick-starter when the bike's in gear.

Revving the engine, releasing the clutch and pulling up your feet when it's not :eek:
it sucks when..

-When you turn the key, and keep turning it, because you are waiting to hear the ignition (as in a car) start.

-When you come in to the gas station to put gas and someone takes your you have to go around the whole gas station to position your bike, and the pump, on the correct side of your tank....and THEN YOUR REALIZE your tank is in the middle so any pump will do! LOL.

The last one I did it once...and it still makes me laugh...
The first one on the other hand, because I still do it, is starting to tick me off!
-When you come in to the gas station to put gas and someone takes your you have to go around the whole gas station to position your bike, and the pump, on the correct side of your tank....and THEN YOUR REALIZE your tank is in the middle so any pump will do! LOL.

actually, i have yet to fill up at a gas station from the passenger side. ;)
-You realize your cover isn't 100% waterproof as you take it off for a 40 degree ride to work.

Know what you mean here. I got myself overpants. Great price, clearance, with all the meaningful tags gone. All the closures had very good waterproofing flaps, so I assumed I can safely ride to work in the rain. What do you know--water went through the stretch panels on the knees and in the crotch like through a coleander. I felt really stupid at work looking like I had major incontinence problem.
I did kinda lose my shite at him especially after asking him for his name and insurance info 6 times, finally gave it to us after hubby called the cops :mad:. He said "oh well I had to call the police too to make sure that was what I was supposed to do."

I though Hubby would tear him a new one but he kept his cool ,we didn't need an asault charge adding to the stress of the situation :D

I would not have left him standing, and it is espescially hard to talk with a broken jaw. Ya should have at least kicked him in the sack and asked which nut you nailed.... then politely told him you were aiming at the other.
Finding out in 13 degrees a fart lets out steam at a light.... wife was proud.:rolleyes:

Finding out a burgman 650 doesnt have a clutch, when driving 45mph, habit lol! Almost dumped my dads scooter, after I told him not to mess up my bike! lmao
Finding out in 13 degrees a fart lets out steam at a light.... wife was proud.

OMG I almost fell off my chair!!!! LOL!!!
This thread is amazing, i hope people keep adding to it!

-When y ou just told your dad to be careful when you first brought your bike home when he sits on it, then leaves the garage, and you tip it over standing still(did this to my seca 750) and it broke the clutch handle lol
When one of your earplugs somehow comes loose, and you still have 50+ miles to go on the freeway with wind noise buzzing in that ear like a buzz saw driving you crazy o_O
It suck when::

You get up one beautiful morning,decide to go to the garage and change the oil on your car. You remove you clothes and change into you one piece cover-alls and go to the garage. After warming up thr car, setting up the jack stands,you get you oil,oil filter hand tools too and crawl under the car to start removing the drain plug. The plug comes out,slips out of you hands falls in the oil pan splashing you hands, and arms. Then all of a sudden,,your guts start rumbiin,,,,,,I will leave it at that:eek: And no I did not do what you may have thought.
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It sucks when you have to pee for 80 miles then stop get a cup of coffee and find out the bathroom is broken.

When you find out your shoes aren't water proof..
