If you don't live in FL, CA, TX

why cant you ride in rain?
No I agree, I just actually find rain rides enjoyable...but to each their own. I love the smells of wet grass and the thicker crisp air, just a nice clean feel
The perks of having great weather all year round here in Az and 350 plus days of sunny weather
Used to live in Nebraska and it sucked not being able to ride and the winters there last from like Nov-Mar...Now im in FL :wav:
Two words: winter gear :D I'm only going to keep the bike inside from december-February. That doesn't seem so bad since I only have work during that time and its a 20 minute bus ride away.
Anyone CAN ride in the rain. But I ride for the fun of it. Riding in the rain isn't fun. It's stressful. I've commuted in the rain and it sucks. I've been caught out on weekend joy rides in the mountains when sudden thunderstorms hit. It sucks. If I lived in an area where there wasn't as much nice riding weather through the year, I might be more willing to ride in shitty, dangerous conditions. But I don't. So when it's wet, I keep the bike inside. Doesn't have anything to do with being "tough."

Same here, I HATE riding in the rain, if I get caught in it I just find the nearest restaurant/store and go in and goof off or eat until it clears up a bit.

Riding my bike is my hobby, it's not my only means of transportation. So if it's crappy riding weather then I just hop in the cage.

I gotta say though, i'd rather live in WV, have super curvy ridiculous roads all over and not get to ride November-March then to live in FL or somewhere and not have that. Which I am still jealous of the Cali guys lol
I came from the gym once in the rain. It was soooo nice, very cool and refreshing. If it wasn't for the slick roads I would have considered squiding it home...
Depends on the kind of rain. A light rain is nice, I've ridden through a few of those. A downpour started while I was at work last week, decided to throw on my rain gear and go home anyway. Rain was super heavy, water was building up on the roads, reasonable people were driving 30-40mph, while everyone else was tailgating me and flying past me blowing even more water on me. I'll avoid those kinds of rains from now on. I was a nervous wreck that someone was going to rear end me with low visibility and that much water on the road.
As long as there is no snow or ice on the ground, I am riding. I do not winterize my bikes. Never have. Always a day or two a month where there is no snow or ice on the ground during the winter. Low temps do not bother me at all. Its all how you layer.
I put mine to bed the beginning of Dec. and wake her up in March. The nice thing about that down time is the spring riding is awesome. It's like a renaissance. I feel sorry for you guys that ride all year and don't get to experience the feel of getting back on your bike after a few months of not riding.
you telling me? haven't ridden in 3 days and 4 days I ago I got soaked everything, my whole gear etc.. sucked

Man up! Warm, Florida rain doesn't count. You should try the fine Seattle drizzle that will chill you right to the bone.

But I get your point. I too hate Californians, with their sandy beaches, nice weather and lane sharing...

I feel sorry for you guys. Must suck not being able to ride in oct, nov,dec,feb,mar

Says who?!? Those are just the months that separate the the men from the boys in the rest of the states.

I ride everyday regardless of conditions. If it is is snowy or icy that just means I stay home and ride the dirt bike. ;-)
