How far do you riders lean on stock tires?

Freddy me thinks you need re-read posts (others & yours) before posting,
either that or stop drinking before posting -your posts contradict themselves regularly

Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2

Didn't you finally get it ? Basically you don't countersteer the whole way thru the corner only going in to the turn.

Haven't you ever ridden around in a circle ?

When you are cranked over you ain't countersteering the handlebars ARE pointing in the direction of the circle, was the point being made if you missed it.
Actually, you countersteer in the turn every time you need to adjust your line. If you didn't countersteer at all in a decreasing radius turn, you'd end up in the dirt.
Actually, you countersteer in the turn every time you need to adjust your line. If you didn't countersteer at all in a decreasing radius turn, you'd end up in the dirt.

No, when adjusting the line, you don't countersteer, you reduce your amount of normal steering by putting pressure on the bars the other way. You are still normal steering, just not as much to adjust the line to get tighter, but as soon as you finish adjusting, there's no pressure on the bars and the front wheel is following the circle.

Sheesh. I'm trying to help people here, I knew it was a task too hard.
Sorry. You're wrong.
You only countersteer initially when changing from bolt upright. Once you drop into the turn, you basically let the front wheel follow the line it wants to go with minimal pressure on the bars.

Anyway, there was a reason I didn't answer this the first time.

I'm a keen observer in fact and taught myself to countersteer before I even read about it. I've read about it and also observed that they mention the same things as me in the texts about countersteering. However countersteering has been over-emphasised so much, that's all people think you need to do.
So, if I'm midway through a decreasing radius right hand turn, how do I continue to decrease the radius of MY turn?

BTW, I'm not asking because I don't know the answer.
Do you roll about the contact patch or the cog line thru the roll axis ?

I like to let the wheels move to the outside a little bit when countersteering, its feels quicker.

Grrr, growl, hiss, aahhh, why do I bother ? When people just get all emotional and combative with me everywhere, arrgghhh.

Now I see why they say on those psyop vids that Jehadi is the cure to the depression of modern life. boom tsck
So, if I'm midway through a decreasing radius right hand turn, how do I continue to decrease the radius of MY turn?

BTW, I'm not asking because I don't know the answer.

You countersteer to increase the lean angle of course.

However are you really "countersteering" or just increasing the pressure on the inside bar ? Are your wheels really pointing to the outside of the corner when you do that or just relaxing the angle a touch ?
Seems like you're the one gettin' all emotional.

You put pressure on your right bar to countersteer and decrease your radius. At least, that's what Michel Mercier, former Canadian Superbike champion taught me. But you probably know better than him; you taught yourself before you even read about it. I can't believe I paid him my hard earned money to teach me about track riding.
So, if I'm midway through a decreasing radius right hand turn, how do I continue to decrease the radius of MY turn?

BTW, I'm not asking because I don't know the answer.

That's not what I'm talking about anyway. What I'm ****ing talkin' about is when you are in the ****ing corner steady state, the wheels aren't countersteering, can you understand that ****en point you and Bert or are you ****ing thick as two short planks ?
Freddy me thinks you need re-read posts (others & yours) before posting,
either that or stop drinking before posting -your posts contradict themselves regularly

Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2
You nailed it!
Seems like you're the one gettin' all emotional.

You put pressure on your right bar to countersteer and decrease your radius. At least, that's what Michel Mercier, former Canadian Superbike champion taught me. But you probably know better than him; you taught yourself before you even read about it. I can't believe I paid him my hard earned money to teach me about track riding.

Yes, because I can't make one point, with some of you going off about some other shit.

So are you saying that throughout the whole corner that you are countersteering continually like the first post was talking about ? Mr Superbike Champion school get a gold star on the head ?
That's not what I'm talking about anyway. What I'm ****ing talkin' about is when you are in the ****ing corner steady state, the wheels aren't countersteering, can you understand that ****en point you and Bert or are you ****ing thick as two short planks ?
There you are gettin' all emotional again. Why don't you pack it in? You're a master of contradiction and you're feeding a lot of people bad information. I'm not thinking Bert and I are the thick ones.
That was fun. Had a bad day at work and now I get to go home chucklin'. Thanks Fred.
This is a funny thread. I think these two are my favorites though...

Grrr, growl, hiss, aahhh, why do I bother ? When people just get all emotional and combative with me everywhere, arrgghhh. (well if its everyone that gets combative with you i think that says something)

Do you roll about the contact patch or the cog line thru the roll axis ? (i dont know what this means but i just like the sound of it LOL)

back to the original post how can anyone know their lean angle? i know that there is about a microscopic amount of my tires that have not been worn at least some. Sometimes i think i was leaned over pretty good then i get the rockstore picture back and it looks like nothing so i think we will need some kind of lazer :)

im going to have to replace mine soon though not looking forward to that, segway :)
I mistakenly assumed that if there was something major misunderstood about countersteering, that people would want to know about it rather than remain in ignorance.

Even people that teach countersteering actually mention that you are normally not countersteering once you've taken the set in the corner, this is the bit people forget that I tried to enlighten people about in order to be helpful to make them better riders. But no, blah blah blah...
My first track day my R6 I thought/ felt I was leaning her over to the point of laying her down.
I had a friend take photos of a couple laps.
Looking at them afterwards, I was barely past 11:00 (clock face)!!!!!

My point is human perception is extremely falable & very easy to sway.
Ultimately if you can get through corners smoothly, safely & in control -that is what counts!

Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2
This is a funny thread. I think these two are my favorites though...

Grrr, growl, hiss, aahhh, why do I bother ? When people just get all emotional and combative with me everywhere, arrgghhh. (well if its everyone that gets combative with you i think that says something)

It is saying something, people suck and will attempt to get the better of you at every opportunity and will never be agreeable. If you attempt to be nice to them, they'll really try to stick the knife in the back and turn even harder.

I'm sick of fat ****s and smirken gawken gawping deadsouls.

What's something else I can say to get people to overreact.

How about Engine Braking Control is for deadshits that can't use the throttle properly going into the corner ?

I can see why manufacturers develop this though, because most people don't have a clue and if you try to help them, they attack you because they assume you are a deadshit as well like them.
