highway roadrage toward a biker

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^ Not how I saw it. The bikers swerved into the car first. That's a threat. And when you make a show of force like that with numbers to back you, that's a serious threat.

I'm not saying the cager handled it in the best way, but I see the bikers in this case being the aggressors. The car didn't just all of a sudden start to ram these bikers. The cager was being harassed by a group of bikers. That would scare most people quite a bit.

Also, if you notice when the car looks like it is trying to pin the bike into the semi, there is a biker riding close on the car's right side. He may have been swerving away from that bike harrassing him. You have a swarm of crotch rockets harrassing you, which is absolutely what they were doing, I'm not gonna fault you for defending yourself.

I kind of agree with you too. In this case, as in MOST road rage incidents, BOTH parties are at fault and responsible for the problem. And, like a lot of videos posted/aired like this, they are edited to favor the ones claiming to be the victims and only taken from that one point of view...so, I find it very difficult to automatically take one side without looking at all the facts and circumstances. Unfortunately, there are a majority of people that jump to conclusions right away and get it all blowout of proportion.

I can't try and defend either of the parties in this video. They were all a bunch of idiots.
Once a f wit in traffic is identified, keep clear of them.
Don't let the arseholes get to you.

Just let it go.
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I've watched the video several times now and I think I figured out what provoked the bikers and the cager.

At about 12sec the camera bike swerves and gets on his horn, either the car tried coming in his lane or the biker was just being stupid. But at about 25 sec you see the car pass within about a ft of the biker in his lane, I think that's probably what started it all, or at least what pissed the bikers off.
he yelled something like "pull over so I can kick you @$$"... I gave him thumbs up, slowed down, and when he pulled over, I took off... never saw him again :)

It cracks me up when people want to fight on the side of the road. First of all, just no. I will do anything I can to avoid a fight, and my bike jumps to life so much faster than your car that I can be a memory before you can even figure out that I've taken off. Second of all, if it was yes, I'm wearing boots, knee and shin pads, hip pads, elbow and shoulder pads, a spine protector, a breastplate, a helmet, and I have gloves with carbon fibre over my knuckles. I'm not invincible, but I like my odds of taking a punch or two clean if I have to before I can get a solid, hard-shelled knuckle in to the side of your exposed face. People really don't seem to think too hard sometimes.
Dont know what really started it but i can tell you if a swarm of bikes starts messing with me im gonna swerve at em too. Sorry but too many bikers think they own the road and that every cager should submit to motorcycles on the roadway. Yes cagers should keep an eye out for motorcycles but its the bikers responsibility to stay out of harms way. Bikes are hard to see especially if they are speeding even if your looking for them. Hey im a rider too but there are alot if idiots on bikes out there that ride around just waiting for a cager to make a mistake so they can fly off the handle about it. And it goes the other way too ...just sayin.

Hello my real name is Adam.

he yelled something like "pull over so I can kick you @$$"... I gave him thumbs up, slowed down, and when he pulled over, I took off... never saw him again

You big tease..He was probably all horny the rest of the night.
