highway roadrage toward a biker


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new vid I have never seen before

let the debates begin

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXPb3nnqdDo&feature=player_embedded]Extreme road rage - Car tries to take out bikers! - YouTube[/ame]
wtf Were they gonna accomplish by continually getting beside that asshat? He already tried attempted murder, why would they keep putting themselves in that position. Its on camera, get his plate and call the police/follow at a distance.
wtf Were they gonna accomplish by continually getting beside that asshat? He already tried attempted murder, why would they keep putting themselves in that position. Its on camera, get his plate and call the police/follow at a distance.

It just amazes me how a lot of people get really tough when they have a lot of friends around.

I agree with J. Should've just got his plates and move on, but they decided to keep riding around the guy and probably provoking him, cursing or doing something stupid.

PS: What a bunch of squids.
Yeah I don't know why they keep messing with the car some of those guys got real lucky! But WTF provoked the guy in the car in the 1st place I hope they lock him up for attempted murder!!!
Cager is definitely a maniac, needs to go to the cooler for a while and think about road safety. If it was me I wouldn't engage, though. The guys on bikes have a right to be real pi$$ed, but I'd be scared the cager would hit me good and kill me! (Or worse, wreck my bike!!) Get the plate on cam and vanish. I have yet to find an old Lincon that will hang with an FZ6R being ridden in anger. When I get around a jackoff in a car that I don't trust, I get the plate and get out. If I get pulled over, I'll tell the cop exactly why I'm tearing it up. I hope they would understand, but worst case, I'd rather pay a fine than die on the road.
Yikes, that's scary!!!

The driver was arrested for drugs not for the road rage against the bikers (as of yet).
Shit like this makes me embarrassed to say I'm a human.

But then again, great video to see why I liked Psychology in university.
I don't think that cager is around anymore... notice how they all pulled in front of him, then cut off the video... that could not have ended well... hopefully they just called the cops

agree, get his plate, get away from him

You can see police lights when they all stop so fortunately for the driver, the cops got him before the bikers did...
thats pretty crazy. some of those guys got slammed into pretty good surprised they were able to stay on it and not spill. if that happened to me i would be wanting to hang around that car. being dead gets nothing done
I agree with jspansel. This guy tried to ram you into an 18 wheeler at one point, may not be such a good idea to get to close to him. That cager's a f*cked up human being and those motorcyclist were all in a "mob mentality"... anyways... after being hit by the car, that guy kept his bike up like a boss! Mad props.
what the driver did was comepletely rediculous. multiple times he swerved into a rider, or trying to pinch them into other traffic. However, they should have gotten his plates, called police, and maybe some follow at a safe distance.

I also don't like the fact of all the editing and where the video begins. A leveled headed person has to believe that something set the driver of the car off. What initiated the rage?
I agree with jspansel. This guy tried to ram you into an 18 wheeler at one point, may not be such a good idea to get to close to him. That cager's a f*cked up human being and those motorcyclist were all in a "mob mentality"... anyways... after being hit by the car, that guy kept his bike up like a boss! Mad props.

FYI its not that hard to keep your bike upright in a situation like that, it's when people freak out and over compensate that they go down. If your ever sideswiped let the bike go where it wants and only make slight corrections.
Lol how do I know this you ask....
I've been sideswiped...
A car changing lanes very quickly, I had my Suzuki and had aluminum side boxes and the bike actually did way more damage to the car, all I had was a scratched sticker on my box lol
+1 -- get his plates, and bolt.

Nothing, short of a biker drive by, justifies the cager's reaction.
Certifiable lunatic.

Swarming him didn't help...
+1 get plate and get away.

Here in CA that is several counts of attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon with intent co commit great bodily harm or murder, unsafe lane changes over and over and over.

It would be a minimum sentence of 10 years in the big house.
Honestly, those double-digit IQ havin' morons would have deserved any death/dismemberment they might have suffered. I don't count them as "fellow bikers" and I sure as hell don't have any symapthy for them. It's hard to tell, but it looks like these squids started it by buzzing the car. The car, in response, buzzes one of them to get them to back off. Darwin almost finished the rest of the encounter.

I have no respect for people like this, and if they die? Good. One less person breathing my air. These are the douchebags who give the rest of us a bad name. :spank:

+1 million bajillion to all who said get the plates and scoot-the-eff off.
As far as I can tell the d-bags were the ones who were f-ing with the cage. Seems the guy tried to get them to leave him alone, they should have had wrecked. Maybe if the riders were resonable, or at least attempting to act like they were not a-holes I wouldn't have felt like they should have crashed.

As far as I can tell the d-bags were the ones who were f-ing with the cage. Seems the guy tried to get them to leave him alone, they should have had wrecked. Maybe if the riders were resonable, or at least attempting to act like they were not a-holes I wouldn't have felt like they should have crashed.

Just for the sake of argument....
So I ask you then what is reasonable?
If you mouth off to me can I stab you?
If you push me can I put a bullet in your head?
If I don't like the way you look, Can I pour acid on your face?
Those examples seem to be extreme escalations and are meant to be. They are!

The car from what I saw in the video tried to smash a biker in an unprovoked incident. Same as I pouring acid on your face for some unknown reason and not because you said or did anything. It appeared unprovoked.

Maybe there was some interaction prior to the car trying to smash the bikers to bits but really? What can a biker do to a cager? Maybe they flipped him off, and for that they should die?

Once the car made his murderous intentions known, the bikers could have followed him at a safe distance until the Police came along. Instead they egged him on and put themselves in harms way. The fact that the cager kept trying to kill them over and over and they kept following and driving way to close to the cager speaks to their lack of intelligence for sure. But I think the difference between a bee buzzing around you vs using a 5000 lb car as a weapon to kill the bee is similar to the examples I typed earlier. Extreme escalation of assault.

The bikers really did appear to be squids tho. I have to agree with you on that one. And they DO make us all look bad...
