HID users dark spot in pattern


New Member
Installed the hid kit on my wifes bike and I notice a large dark spot in the middle of the pattern of light. I have tryed moving the pattern around but not much luck any ideas or help


New Member
retrofit a hid projector into your housing, thats the only thing you can do to fix it. or try a different bulb.


Staff member
Try washing the large bug off the headlight lens... :don'tknow:


New Member
Not sure if this will help, but check to make sure the bulb adapter wasn't installed "upside down." I know the H4 adapter is keyed to go on only one way, but I've done it before myself... just by securing the wire clip on.

Alternatively, ensure that the HID capsule is twisted & locked into place properly into the adapter. If it is not locked into place, the capsule could be oriented improperly.

Your finished product should be this: when you're looking at the headlight, standing in front of it, you should be able to see the glass of the HID capsule and be able to see into the middle of the HID bulb itself. Basically, this should be facing the top of the headlight assembly.



New Member
ok i took a few pics maybe you can tell me whats wrong the adapter realy does not sit in the groves like the stock bulb and the adapter looks like it makes the bulb sit to forward in the housing. here are a few pics maybe you can tell me whats wrong



heres the beam with a dark spot in the middle



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New Member
Hmm.. yours looks naked... I didn't take off the metal casing of my HID bulb, just the plastic cylinder casing.

Was I suppose to take off that whole metal piece?


New Member
Yes, you need the metal dome.

What you'll want to do is install the metal dome into the back of the headlamp housing FIRST. IIRC, then lock down the metal dome (this is the adapter too, I think) with the OEM wire clip. Then, take the HID capsule, and insert into the metal dome. Twist to lock.


New Member
