Hey Guys

I purchased my 2013 FZ6R nearly 3 weeks ago brand new with 0 miles. Since having it I've already installed quite a few mods myself and it's turning out great so far (if I can get the right tail light. see below). This is my first motorcycle and I'm already in love with it.

If someone can please point me in the right direction for resolving my tail light issues I'd be very grateful. I would have ordered the Motodynamic and never had these problems but they're out of stock of them until next month at the latest.

Any help will be appreciated. I can provide pics if needed.
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It would be nice if you explained the issue?
I've gone through three tail lights now. They all have been listed as plug and play with my 13' FZ6R yet the connector is round and not square. So I've cut off the connectors and soldered the wires together. The running lights work fine along with the turn signals but when I apply the brake, nothing. I've attached pics below. I can provide a video that I sent to the seller if that helps you more.

Decided to link the video anyways. Sorry for taking it in portrait. I took this video extremely late last night and it didn't even cross my mind to change the orientation of it


  • 01.jpg
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  • 02.jpg
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  • 04.jpg
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I'm not 100% sure, but while watching the video it appeared (what you are calling a running light) is quite bright, could that be full on and you don't have the "running light" aspect correct??

Is there a video/pictures from the manufacturer or other user where the light is working properly, so you can make a comparison??

If not, can you take a multi-meter and quantify a difference in voltage when the brake is activated??

Just my two cents...

Good luck.
If I'm understanding you correctly, you're saying that I could possibly have the wires for braking and the running light mixed up? I was thinking about switching the connections but I was afraid that I would blow a fuse. I know that has to be the running light because there are LEDs that remain unlit while it's on. Unless those LEDs are reserved for the turn signal

And no there are no pics provided by the mfg of the light lit up.
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Here are pics from my stock taillight...

Three wires... one bulb.

View attachment 32185 View attachment 32186 View attachment 32187

I'm assuming your new setup has five wires.
Left signal power
right signal power
running light power
brake light power
This all makes so much sense now. I am facepalming myself so hard.

Once you disconnect the bulb from the stock connector, the connector from the new light goes where the bulb used to doesn't it? I feel like a complete idiot now
As long as it gets solved... That's what the forum is for....

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Hopefully you left enough wire so you can reverse what you previously did, un-solder the error and re-solder the connector and install it in the OE light socket. If not, maybe the manufacturer can sell you a replacement wire assembly.

Don't feel bad we have all made mistakes doing wiring, sometimes it requires a fresh set of eyes to figure it out.

In the end, it will be fixed and you will enjoy your new light.
Yeah that's the problem I have to sort now is trying to solder them back since I didn't leave enough slack. At least I know what's wrong. I think that's the most important takeaway from this.
I fixed my tail light yesterday evening immediately after I got in from work. The soldering job took roughly 1.5 hours because I cut everything so close and didn't want to bork anything from rushing trying to fix the connections. I went for a 30 mile or so ride after making this video and everything still appears to be making a solid connection. Hopefully things stay that way.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q8iIXj72-A]Fixed My Tailight! - YouTube[/ame]

Thanks again guys for the help!
