Helmet Pains


waiting out winter
Elite Member
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8v4qzB5HLY]‪How to fit a Motorcycle Helmet‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

this video should help. id try doing all the rules of thumb he says and see how it fits YOUR head

and i think it should already be broken in by now with those miles you listed.
Even if it fits your head, it might not be the shape for you...

Whoa that's an amazing video!
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I agree with the helmet shape... Even the most expensive helmets just do not fit my head. There is always a nasty pressure point that just sucks.

I found Scorpion helmets to fit me beautifully. Can wear for 8+ hours with no pain.

You need to just try and fit other helmet brands that have different shapes that match your head.
It's like a pair of shoes. Some are too narrow, some are too wide. It often is brand specific. Don't get set on a specific brand. Get the best you're willing to pay for that fits well. I'd never wear a helmet that bothered me after a while.

BTW, 3X? That's a big noggin!
Shoei and Arai hurt the heckers out of my head, cant do Icon either....only one I found and love is BELL

All comes down to head shape not always size
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1. watch these two videos carefully.
2. measure your head size, and take note about the fitment criteria... basically, a properly fitted helmet should feel "glued on" to your head without causing any pain or pressure points. your cheeks should be pinched making it slightly difficult to speak. and there should be 1 to 1.5 index finger space between the helmet and your chin and just less than a pinky finger's space above your forehead. your head shouldn't be able to swivel around inside the helmet.
3. always try to fit urself with the smallest possible size helmet that meets all the fitment criteria and that doesn't cause any pain.
4. go to the store and try on some helmets. u'll need to wear each one at least 15 minutes or so to discover any pressure points and to see how they feel.
5. different brands have different shapes. if one brand doesn't fit well, then try a different brand.
6. remember that helmets do 'break-in' and will loosen up slightly. but, a properly fitted helmet will retain it's "overall" fitment and still be snug, snug, snug. if a helmet just drops onto your head easily without any resistance or effort- even after broken in- then it's probably too big.
7. if u fall in between sizes, try on the smaller size first. if uncomfortable, then move up a size. i fall in between sizes too- and it's often a crap shoot. even same size helmets of the same brand/ model sometimes have manufacturing flaws that make them slightly bigger or smaller. only trying them on will let you know what's best.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8v4qzB5HLY]‪How to fit a Motorcycle Helmet‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRmWBp65gbo]‪The Helmet Center on proper helmet fit - TheHelmetCenter.com‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
**my method WILL void your helmet warranty and reduces protection in a crash, I'm just sharing what I have to do to make a helmet comfortable; consider at your own risk**

I have a more oval shaped head, so I almost always have a pressure point on the front/top of my forehead. I've also found Bell helmets fit my head better than any other brand. But of course I find good deals on other brands, so I usually have to 'custom fit' them. To do this I take a razor blade, bend it into a slight curve shape, and remove a couple millimeters at a time, basically shaving the foam off little by little, at the front edge of the helmet where my forehead pressure point is, blending it into a smooth curve horizontally and vertically. I did this with my Troy Lee Designs dirtbike helmet and my Icon Airframe helmet for the street (did not have to do this on the Bell Star)

can't wait to get bashed for this one...but whatever.
I don't think you need to be bashed. You already said it all. Reduces protection in a crash, which is why you where a helmet.
**my method WILL void your helmet warranty and reduces protection in a crash, I'm just sharing what I have to do to make a helmet comfortable; consider at your own risk**

I have a more oval shaped head, so I almost always have a pressure point on the front/top of my forehead. I've also found Bell helmets fit my head better than any other brand. But of course I find good deals on other brands, so I usually have to 'custom fit' them. To do this I take a razor blade, bend it into a slight curve shape, and remove a couple millimeters at a time, basically shaving the foam off little by little, at the front edge of the helmet where my forehead pressure point is, blending it into a smooth curve horizontally and vertically. I did this with my Troy Lee Designs dirtbike helmet and my Icon Airframe helmet for the street (did not have to do this on the Bell Star)

can't wait to get bashed for this one...but whatever.

no bashing here, good info. You also hi it on the nose with the shape of helmets. Watch some reviews of helmets on like sportbiketrackgear.com and they tell you the shape of heads each helmet is geared toward~! GL Greg :) :thumbup:
**my method WILL void your helmet warranty and reduces protection in a crash, I'm just sharing what I have to do to make a helmet comfortable; consider at your own risk**

I have a more oval shaped head, so I almost always have a pressure point on the front/top of my forehead. I've also found Bell helmets fit my head better than any other brand. But of course I find good deals on other brands, so I usually have to 'custom fit' them. To do this I take a razor blade, bend it into a slight curve shape, and remove a couple millimeters at a time, basically shaving the foam off little by little, at the front edge of the helmet where my forehead pressure point is, blending it into a smooth curve horizontally and vertically. I did this with my Troy Lee Designs dirtbike helmet and my Icon Airframe helmet for the street (did not have to do this on the Bell Star)

can't wait to get bashed for this one...but whatever.

I've heard that this is perfectly normal in racing. I had to do the same for my wife's helmet. It has made a world of difference. She wouldn't ride because of the headache she would get every time. The helmet fit fine while off the bike, but any pressure would hit one point on her forehead. I shaved it down and bingo, relief!
Yep true I wear icon airframe L no problems has a little bit of play but is secure u just gotta find one that's fits u well....although it took awhile for my icon airframe to break in so just give it awhile u might end up liking it....I do.
agree with Cautious_Corner shoei is the way to go. It is worth every penny. I got mine, and never had an issue. This is my third year on it and after 11K miles on fz6r, it is comfortable.

Scorpion Exo 1000 solved that problem for me. The Airframe pushed my head in too much.
