
i have a mesh jacket with armor for the summer or almost all year here but there is still a cut off point, at 110 its too hot period never mind with those kevlar jeans and a jacket on. and Bert you hit the nail on the head about one thing no matter what you are wearing STOPPING AT LIGHTS SUCKS and you feel like you are going to melt on the spot.

I've found at 110 it feels cooler to ride with gear on. The hot wind and sun are just too intense. Pretty much in AZ it's over 105 for 5 months of the year so riding in heat is normal. I use the cooling vest once in a while, but normally it's riding jeans, mesh jacket and a camel pack filled with ice, which turns into water pretty quick.

Years ago when I was young and stupid, I commuted to work a couple times in a t-shirt. I remember hoping for red lights so I could stop and get a break from wind as it felt like riding in a blast furnace.
