Got my first speeding ticket...


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you must have been in a zone! sometimes that happens to me and I dont realize how fast i'm going until I look down at the speedometer.
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In California if you get a moving violation you can pay the ticket price AND pay a traffic school fee which is an 8 hour class you must attend. Upon successful completion of the class the ticket does not go on your record with the DMV.

There is a catch though. You can only attend traffic school once every 18 months. So get a ticket prior to that and it goes on your record, thus raising your insurance cost.

In my 16 years on the road I've received three violations. All for speeding =/

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My bike's odometer consistantly displays speed 4 mph higher than the ssame displayed by the GPS. Bike is 100% stock.
Is it possible the cop wrote in the ticket your actual speed?
There are a couple of catches, actually:

2) It's only good for "basic" one-point violations like speeding. Those 30mph over the limit tickets, reckless driving, not getting out of the way of an emergency vehicle, etc. are not eligible.

This one is not entirely true. I got tagged once for going 85+ on the 55 freeway in Costa Mesa, CA (speed limit:55).

Had to go before the judge, no mailing it in or anything. I guess theoretically they could have got me for reckless driving and such

There were a lot of jokers before me, talking to the judge, and she was rather frustrated with them (rules were either you plead guilty, traffic school, or not guilty. That's all she wanted to hear at the time, but everyone wanted to plead their case).

I got up there and just said 'traffic school'. She sad normally it wasn't available, but since I actually listened to instructions, she let me have it.

Thus I was named 'king speed' of my traffic school class.

Guess the judges to have some leeway with that particular rule.
