Got my first speeding ticket...

I know they will ticket you for not putting a foot down at a stop but thats bullshit for not putting TWO feet down. Thats not recommended to do. One foot is stopped plain and simple. I would fight that one in court.
WOW, Marthy, sounds like that was a bad month! Bet that lightened your wallet a few ounces!

But ticket for not putting 2 feet down? Couldnt you have argued that or something? I thought the MSF preached only putting 1 foot down, keeping the other one on the brake.

Thanks for the info though.. I have started developing a bad habbit of comming to a stop and just balancing for a second or two then going again.. Better break that habbit quick I guess.

I have a section of one of the streets to get home that has about 5 stop signs. one every block. I always stop and put one foot down. one day a cop was behind me a I know he was paying attention If i was gonna put the foot down or not.
Yes on 1 foot down.
Both feet down might be not be an issue if you're riding Hardley Movingston. But if you're riding a sport bike or a bike like VSrtom or Enduro type - I want to see how anyone shorter than 6 feet can do that.
