Got a New Bike


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As some of you might remember I've recently sold my 2009 FZ6R Raven which I had for little less then a year and it had ~11600 miles on odometer (fs thread here). This bike didn't cause me any problems what so ever and I guess would serve for another 100k miles if I would want to keep it. I had absolutely no complains about the bike or any need for more power\torque\comfort\etc. My friends here in sofla having bigger bikes (e.g. busa), but I didn't have problems keeping up with them, though I often had chosen to fall back and let them deal with cops and get their tickets :D

Nevertheless 2 months ago I still decided to sell my bike, and get myself something else. At that time I had an idea of getting a bimmer k1300s; there was a relatively cheap one for sale in Dallas. But by the time my bike was sold I decided to buy smth else, may be a smaller type of bike, european streetfighter\naked style with 100+ hp engine. What I ended up with is a black 2010 Triumph Speed Triple (see pictures below). As of right now I already had it for a week and logged 800 miles on it. There are some differences to fz6r which I already can talk about:

  • power; S3 has some of it ;) but surprisingly (to me) my average speed dropped 10mph as there is mostly no wind protection; riding to work on fz6r I was doing around 90, trying not hit triple digits; on s3 I'm doing ~80, going faster for long time is just too uncomfortable and not worth it.

  • torque; there is some torque there; this bike is sometimes called a "wheely machine"; though no unintentional wheelies for me so far; thanks to experience received riding fz6r ;)

  • comfort; S3 seat is more comfortable but looks like it's little wider then the one fz6r has. Didn't notice much of a difference in comfort between 2 bikes; I already did ~250 miles ride on s3, no pain or discomfort; though I'm not demanding in the comfort department at all; it's a freaking bike after all. As for vibrations; didn't notice any; my fz6r developed some small vibration on ~7500 RPM; I guess I had to sync throttle bodies or smth but never did this. As of right now S3 doesn't develop any vibration worth mentioning.

  • breaking; from what I noticed s3 breaks are better; this was my first impression after I test rode it and I still believe breaks on S3 do work more efficiently; though I had no complains about fz6r.

  • weight; didn't notice much difference between 2 bikes. S3 feels a little heavier.

  • overall impression; well, I love it, completely happy with my purchase; no regrets what so ever for switching. I was on verge of crying when my fz6r was loaded on the truck by the new owner and took quite a few bottles of vodka to calm down :D Still going though my old biky pictures from time to time, I guess I'm just too sentimental for an adult man :D

  • price; yep, S3 is more expensive.


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New Member
good choice on the bike, looks good... Only thing I hate on those are the headlights. I could imagine the wind blows you around like crazy.


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New Member
Serge great information. Glad to see your still on here talking with us. Then again we are like family. I even thought about an S3. Test rode one at the local dealership. Nice. There just is something about the "R" that makes it special. Who knows. I really do think that if Yamaha made a FZ8R they would really sell a good amount as well for the more intermediate sport rider.


New Member
WenMark--you could get a Street Triple "R" in which case, you could keep the "R" designation... :D

In all seriousness though, thanks for that post. I had been eyeing a Speed Triple but was concerned about the lack of wind protection that you mentioned. I see you already optioned it out a bit with the Arrow exhaust, the flyscreen, and the belly pan.

Are there larger screens you could get?

I love the twin headlamps... Triumphs are *SO* unique--love 'em.


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WenMark--you could get a Street Triple "R" in which case, you could keep the "R" designation... :D

In all seriousness though, thanks for that post. I had been eyeing a Speed Triple but was concerned about the lack of wind protection that you mentioned. I see you already optioned it out a bit with the Arrow exhaust, the flyscreen, and the belly pan.

Are there larger screens you could get?

I love the twin headlamps... Triumphs are *SO* unique--love 'em.

These headlams are adding uniqueness to the bike; though I needed some time for them to grow on me :D

This bike is 15th anniversary edition; which sometimes shown as 09 model; though according to the dealer it's 2010 and vin number indicates the same. It already comes with a flyscreen, bellypan and some extra decals.

As for the exhaust; it's turns to be quite loud. I never believed in "loud pipes save lives" myth and was always pretending to be invisible while riding on fz6r with my finger on the horn when cars around. And here in miami I had to use it quite often. To my surprise right now drivers seem to notice me before I need to remind them of presence with horn; besides this bike has "pass" button which flashes high beam. This sometimes helps to drag attention of a clueless soccer mom in her suv trying to make a left turn right in front of you.


New Member
Serge great information. Glad to see your still on here talking with us. Then again we are like family. I even thought about an S3. Test rode one at the local dealership. Nice. There just is something about the "R" that makes it special. Who knows. I really do think that if Yamaha made a FZ8R they would really sell a good amount as well for the more intermediate sport rider.

I wasn't going to go anywhere :D Though I don't post a lot, only when I have something to say. As for the FZ8R, I think FZ8 looks just great


not sure though if they will be coming to us. As an alternative I would may be look at Aprilia Shiver 750



New Member
Serge, nice looking bike and I like those headlights, how is the seating compare to our bike as far as hight?


Staff member
Serge -- this might be an awkward question, but what suit are you wearing in your pictures and what size is it? You appear to be a similar height and weight as me (based on the pics) and I was just curious because I have been trying to get an idea of what size suit I would wear. There aren't any places around here for me to try any on, so that's why I asked.



New Member
That triumph looks killer, and I love the double headlamp look. I was thinking of doing something like that if/when I strip my fz6r. I love how the s3 arrow exhaust sounds - there is a YouTube review I watched on the s3r that just sounded sick. Congrats on your new ride. :)


New Member
Serge, nice looking bike and I like those headlights, how is the seating compare to our bike as far as hight?

Thanks, seat height is higher; I guess it doesn't cause any discomfort hence I forgot to mention this in my original post :D


New Member
Serge -- this might be an awkward question, but what suit are you wearing in your pictures and what size is it? You appear to be a similar height and weight as me (based on the pics) and I was just curious because I have been trying to get an idea of what size suit I would wear. There aren't any places around here for me to try any on, so that's why I asked.


Actually it's not exactly a suit; here's what I'm wearing on that picture:

1. Alpinestars Stage Perforated Jacket size 50. Would probably recommend a size bigger if you're going to get a back protector with it.

2. Alpinestars A-10 Air-Flo pants size 32; jacket and pants can be zipped together.


New Member
I might get the same bike next Tuesay, 08 black with 5K , it just pups out on auction pipe line, I am a license Dealer I do buy and sell bikes. I bought my FZ6R brand new cause just fit me perfect.:)


New Member
I might get the same bike next Tuesay, 08 black with 5K , it just pups out on auction pipe line, I am a license Dealer I do buy and sell bikes. I bought my FZ6R brand new cause just fit me perfect.:)

GL with your purchase; it's a nice bike; you shouldn't be disappointed


New Member
Conversation at the Triumph factory:

Oliver: "Hey Jeremy, look what I've just built the first ever Street triple."
Jeremy: "Bloody 'eck Oliver! You forgot to put headlights on the blighter."
O: "Blimey.... I have too. What are we going to do about it?"
J: "Ave a geezer in that box of spare parts and see if you can't find anything suitable?"
O: "Ahhh, bollocks! Only thing 'ere are these 50 year old headlights..."
J: "They'll 'ave to do. Give 'em 'ere and I will bung 'em on"
