good deal.....


New Member
i think this is one of the worst ebay postings by a dealership

yellow? black? fz6?

im glad this isnt my local dealer


It is the fast know, the yellow one...snicker snicker....
whats really sad is that its not just a typo on the part of the internet sales manager. the advertisement hanging on the front end even says fz6. thats a double whammy! :don'tknow:
Bike for sale. It is of some kind of colour and is a model of some sort. Yamaha for sure, I think. It has tires and such or something. Just buy it, I'm too busy to know my own product. Brilliant sales pitch.
What's funny about that is while I was shopping for my bike last summer, I seemed to know more about the differences between the FZ6 and the FZ6R than they did. Seemed like the sales guys don't seem to really know their products inside and out. As a sales guy for 13 years, that was the most important thing to me. Knowing my product inside and out.

Stopped in at a Yamaha dealership and they had a brand new FZ6 for $4999, whereas the FZ6R was a $7100 (both were 2009, brand new). Asked as to what the difference was since I had read the FZ6 had more power, etc. and they said the FZ6R had much more power than the FZ6.
Pretty sad when a salesperson doesn't bother to learn the differences between the products they are trying to sell... I've encountered this at numerous motorcycle dealers over the years (including the one we bought Tracie's 6R at). I heard, "same as the FZ6...Can't be lowered...Seat height adjustment? Not that I know of...Handlebar adjustment - no....

Seriously - five minutes of reading would give you all the information to know, at least, as much as your potential customers...
Problem is trickle down. Prices get cheaper, margins get slimmer, sales staff make less money, dealerships hire crappier sales people because smart people are getting the jobs that pay, service suffers.
Jonkerr said he's been in sales for 15 years. Have you noticed this? Are the guys they're hiring now guys like you? I bet they're not.
I'd love to sell bikes for a living, but the employment terms dealerships offer around here are like student jobs. I don't think I could make a decent living at it. I've even looked in to selling cars, and it's not like it used to be.
The car salesmen my Dad knows are regular middle class guys who have nice houses and send their kids to college. The ads I see in the paper for new salesmen look more like those crazy scam jobs you see in the classifieds in the free newspapers.
Overqualified is the key. In the retail sales industry (including major items like cars and bikes) the powers that be are saving costs by paying sales staff less and less. They can get away with this because we live in the internet age, and buyers are very educated. Often, items sell themselves.
With the lower pay, quality people are not as attracted to these jobs. Retailers are leaving it up to the customer to learn about their product, and the sales staff are more or less just cashiers.
At least selling industrial products is a different market, where the customer demands a quality sales staff and the company understands the need and (hopefully) pays accordingly.
You say "sales is sales" and I agree, but we live in a day and age where, if you're paying less then 60K, just getting someone who shows up every day and on time is a small miracle. In the pay grade that selling cars and bikes has become, the guys who are willing to put some effort in to their jobs are becoming a rare breed.
My local Yamaha dealership is losing good guys left right and centre because the new owners are cutting costs at every corner, and their guys are quitting in disgust. It's really sad. They had one of the best mechanics I've ever met, and the guy worked there for almost 20 years. My bike was the last thing he ever touched at that place. A shop in the city offered him almost double his wage on the spot. The worst part of it is, he never would have even been looking if his new boss hadn't started timing his breaks, cutting demos, etc, etc...
That's why they even have Managers that don't even know the difference between a Yamaha FZ6R and a Kawasaki 650R.
These are the type of dealerships that will dictate there own prices (Set-up and Freight, etc.) to add on the price of the bike, just to jack up the price. It's the only thing they care about, your hard earned $$$$, not you or the bike, just to make the most money they can out of all of us.
I'm not buying here, ever...Santa Rosa, Cal.
I'm going to Sacramento...yeeeehhaaaaaa

Hey, Wanderer, you're the first person I've seen that had the good sense to buy the limited edition Red and White like me! That's a damn good looking bike you have there!
