Fz6r really not popular?

:D Great comments!!!
Have you ever considered that maybe there aren't many mods available because there is already so much of the bike that is great the way it is...?
So I just brought the bike home... And WOW.. I am in love with it! Granted it was just a short 10 min ride but man I'm so glad I got it!!

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Have you ever considered that maybe there aren't many mods available because there is already so much of the bike that is great the way it is...?

Now I do! But my wife did say it was very quiet... Without the "baaaaaaaaa" I didn't even realize I was going 75!

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Patience padawan:)

In time,
...you will modify your bike
...and your bike will modify you
whisper mode

I was going to get a plate from that said "whisper mode" on it (anyone remember the movie blue thunder?) Anyway I love the way this engine sounds, like a little jet vs. say the ninja that sounds more like a lawnmower on crack :)

And I finally saw an fz6r on the way to work today on the 101. I assume it was a 2013 cause it was blue and had the Yamaha sticker way up higher than mine.

Congrats on the bike, enjoy the hell out of it but please be warned you WILL find mods you will want to do on here. I said I wasn't going to touch my bike and that lasted about 7 days.
I was going to get a plate from that said "whisper mode" on it (anyone remember the movie blue thunder?) Anyway I love the way this engine sounds, like a little jet vs. say the ninja that sounds more like a lawnmower on crack :)

And I finally saw an fz6r on the way to work today on the 101. I assume it was a 2013 cause it was blue and had the Yamaha sticker way up higher than mine.

Congrats on the bike, enjoy the hell out of it but please be warned you WILL find mods you will want to do on here. I said I wasn't going to touch my bike and that lasted about 7 days.

LOL! What are some examples to get me started?

Man I miss Cali... I used to be in Monterey, San Fran, and San Bernadino county throughout my years. My favorite moments on my old Daytona is going HWY 1 from SF to Half Moon Bay, getting some brunch and heading back... :(
I know, right? My helmet whistles louder than my engine whirrs doing 60 @ 7k rpms lol.

SERIOUSLY! The wind noise causes pain after about 20 minutes. Ringing. It's terrible.

I was going to get a plate from that said "whisper mode" on it (anyone remember the movie blue thunder?) Anyway I love the way this engine sounds, like a little jet vs. say the ninja that sounds more like a lawnmower on crack :)

LOVED Blue Thunder. Terrible movie but great! I remember the TV show too. I had to google it (just now) to find out what happened to it. Airwolf was better though.
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LOL! What are some examples to get me started?

Man I miss Cali... I used to be in Monterey, San Fran, and San Bernadino county throughout my years. My favorite moments on my old Daytona is going HWY 1 from SF to Half Moon Bay, getting some brunch and heading back... :(

Love Cali the location, hate cali the government :) haven't been that far north yet there are so many great spots around here I haven't gotten to. I want to do Ojai next.
Ok so here are my first recommendations. FRAME sliders #1. I like the t-rex they don't fade quite like the shoguns but a lot of guys run shoguns here.
I hated the turn signals up front, looked like big dumbo ears so I put on flush mounts. Most people, myself included, hate the mirrors but they offer really good vis so after trying a couple with turn signals in them I went back to the stocks. A lot of guys do exhaust but I really don't want it sounding louder or different. A lot of guys doing the HID headlight kits (see Rabbitman who posted on this thread) which I am considering but don't have funds for at the moment. which color did you get?
SERIOUSLY! The wind noise causes pain after about 20 minutes. Ringing. It's terrible.

LOVED Blue Thunder. Terrible movie but great! I remember the TV show too. I had to google it (just now) to find out what happened to it. Airwolf was better though.

At the time that baby was state of the art movie making lol. I remember whisper mode cause they went and spied on some hottie getting dressed :) Ah our impressionable teenage years LOL
Love Cali the location, hate cali the government :) haven't been that far north yet there are so many great spots around here I haven't gotten to. I want to do Ojai next.
Ok so here are my first recommendations. FRAME sliders #1. I like the t-rex they don't fade quite like the shoguns but a lot of guys run shoguns here.
I hated the turn signals up front, looked like big dumbo ears so I put on flush mounts. Most people, myself included, hate the mirrors but they offer really good vis so after trying a couple with turn signals in them I went back to the stocks. A lot of guys do exhaust but I really don't want it sounding louder or different. A lot of guys doing the HID headlight kits (see Rabbitman who posted on this thread) which I am considering but don't have funds for at the moment. which color did you get?

The guy I bought it from actually gave me the frame sliders he had. He just never installed it lol. So I'm going to see how I can get those on there...

I gotta see how the flush turn signals will work here. Hawaii has strict modification regs. Have to do safety inspections every year.. thought Cali was bad lol.

Hm.. HID will be good especially on the road I travel to work in the dark..

Thanks for the input!
The guy I bought it from actually gave me the frame sliders he had. He just never installed it lol. So I'm going to see how I can get those on there...

I gotta see how the flush turn signals will work here. Hawaii has strict modification regs. Have to do safety inspections every year.. thought Cali was bad lol.

Hm.. HID will be good especially on the road I travel to work in the dark..

Thanks for the input!

No problem, the flush mounts do decrease vis from the front so most of us have either put on turn signal mirrors to go with them or LED strips in the scoops. I don't have a good picture of mine since i put them on but if you check out Scott Thomas picts he has the exact same set up I do. In fact I think he said the same thing that his state didn't like the flush mounts alone. The sliders are easy to put on, if you got the no cut ones. If you got the ones you have to cut the fairings id just buy different ones. And check out Rabbits HID retrofit post for all the details on that.
Being a beginner rider, I have no comparison to any other bikes. What stood out to me was the comfort all the way around. I have a bad lower back so a SS just wasn't going to be for me. I'm sure my wife also likes that I can't go over 130 ish as well, which I really have no intentions on wanting to do that unless on a track. It's very rare to see another one. Everything else is out there but these just aren't. Maybe it's an ego thing, maybe people are just sold of FAST!!!! Personally, I love this bike. If I upgrade to anything it would be the FZ1 and that won't be for quite some time. I kinda enjoy being unique to the other bikes out there. I get looks and compliments all day long on this bike. The SS bikes can keep their popularity IMO.... I'm fine with it. :)
Being a beginner rider, I have no comparison to any other bikes. What stood out to me was the comfort all the way around. I have a bad lower back so a SS just wasn't going to be for me. I'm sure my wife also likes that I can't go over 130 ish as well, which I really have no intentions on wanting to do that unless on a track. It's very rare to see another one. Everything else is out there but these just aren't. Maybe it's an ego thing, maybe people are just sold of FAST!!!! Personally, I love this bike. If I upgrade to anything it would be the FZ1 and that won't be for quite some time. I kinda enjoy being unique to the other bikes out there. I get looks and compliments all day long on this bike. The SS bikes can keep their popularity IMO.... I'm fine with it. :)

I'm right there with ya. As much as I love the SS my back would never let me live with one on a regular basis. And I'll also be upgrading to the fz1 which in its own right is no slouch.

Sent while running with scissors.
Yeah I sat on one the other day and about gizzed my pants..... Hey dumb question.... How do I get e mail messeges to replies on here??? Sorry I'm new to the forums. Thanks!
