FZ6R Focus Group - will you be there!?


New Member
I was just invited to participate in a focus group for owners if a FZ6R, years 2011 to 2013. It's on Thursday May 30th in Irvine,CA at 5pm or 8pm (I picked 8pm since I have work). It's supposed to be about 2-2.5 hours long and they're paying $200.

I'm wondering if anyone on the forums managed to also get a call and will be participating. Would be cool to meet another rider there who also belongs to the forums.
Is this to help design the next equivalent models ?
1. The master cylinder feels a tad small, but I love the old school reservoir.
Is this to help design the next equivalent models ?
1. The master cylinder feels a tad small, but I love the old school reservoir.

Yeah from what I got out of the person signing me up on the phone it's going to be prototypes and ideas for future iterations on the fz6r that they want feedback on.
focus group

If anyone has the bike and lives in Southern California, please call me to register to participate in this focus group.

Ryker 714-499-3902
Guess I'm not welcome... 2009 :/

I live in Irvine and could use an extra $200
I will also be there.
Just called and signed up. I will also be riding my bike to it ( assuming no rain of course. )
I just made the call and I'm in! I'll be at the 8pm one. It'll be nice to finally meet another person with a 6R
I'm glad a few others were able to sign up. :)

I would have shared the phone number but I didn't think they would accept other people not on their "list".
My 2 cents in addition to the comments above. Keep the I4 engine! I love the sound and feel of it. I don't see any other I4 sport bikes available that have the upright seating position.
I'm with you, Marthy... the southeast isn't feeling the love...

I have a feeling that Yamaha's new triple engine will find its way onto the 6R.

I agree with Buzz's comments, and I'd add the following:

1- Skinny down the side fairings. We don't need that much plastic. Doesn't have to be a streetfighter, but... you know...
2- Add a center stand, standard.
3- ABS, at least as an option!
4- I 2nd the swingarm replacement... it *really* bears repeating (and add a threaded socket for spools).
5- Beef up the electrical a tad, for those of us that like things that pulse, blink, charge, point, heat, and play.
6- Slipper clutch
7- Flush mount but *visible* blinkers... they're the first things to bust with a drop.
8- Gear indicator!!
9- Power outlets would be nice...
10- Traction control? (dreaming's free)
11- Electronic proximity ignition key (still dreaming, but what the hell)
I'm with you, Marthy... the southeast isn't feeling the love...

I have a feeling that Yamaha's new triple engine will find its way onto the 6R.

I agree with Buzz's comments, and I'd add the following:

1- Skinny down the side fairings. We don't need that much plastic. Doesn't have to be a streetfighter, but... you know...
2- Add a center stand, standard.
3- ABS, at least as an option!
4- I 2nd the swingarm replacement... it *really* bears repeating (and add a threaded socket for spools).
5- Beef up the electrical a tad, for those of us that like things that pulse, blink, charge, point, heat, and play.
6- Slipper clutch
7- Flush mount but *visible* blinkers... they're the first things to bust with a drop.
8- Gear indicator!!
9- Power outlets would be nice...
10- Traction control? (dreaming's free)
11- Electronic proximity ignition key (still dreaming, but what the hell)

Most of these or at least some of the things mentioned should've been standard on the bike. But if they do then they're gonna jack up the price, it's all about the mighty dollar...

Oh, I agree... however, considering how much we all put into the mods on these things, I don't think we'd blink too much at an MSRP increase that came along with some of the more salient "wanna-see" options...

For instance, is there anyone here that wouldn't pay a bit more for a ABS, and a much more stylish swingarm, with a threaded spool socket?

Bueller...? Bueller...?
