

New Member
Hi there, my rims are golden colour, after 2 years they have become dirty and full of grease. I bought a 3 in 1 degreaser, on reading the instructions it stated:"Warning:Use caution near painted surfaces. Do not allow degreaser to dry on paint as streaking of the surface may occur. If this happens, polishing of the surface will be required."
Can I still use it and clean it before it dries? or do I use another product? any advice?
I'm pretty sure the paint on the rims can hold up to the degreaser. I've used brake cleaner on my rims and all was fine (black rims)
If they are really gross I'd use Bike Bright. But I bet they would come clean with Yamaha's Spray Polish and Instant Detailer, or Honda's version. Both work very well, both cheaper than Bike Bright, and easier, no water!
You have my favorite 6R, 2010 Black with Gold wheels.
Have fun!
Motul Chain cleaner

I have black wheels and I can tell you that Motul chain cleaner works really well at getting my rear wheel clean. I use Motul chain cleaner to clean my chain and when I realized it was getting on my wheels I immediately wiped it of and all it did was take the grease right with it leaving my wheels very clean.

I even took it one step further when I changed a tank pad that left a very sticky mess on my gas tank. Nothing worked so I took out the Motul and sprayed all over the tank and it worked like a charm again with no harm at all to the paint. Not telling you to do it but I git lucky and it works not only on chains but it will clean the grease off the rear wheel. I dont think you will have a problem even with the gold wheels, cause the paint they use is pretty durable.:noworries:
WD-40. Nuff' said.

This is what I have always used on the R6 Gold rims... Works awesome. Leaves them nice and shiny. Never any issues with the paint.
OH whatever you do DO NOT USE that stuff called Awsome! That stuff will really ruin alot of things I learned the hard way about that degreaser luckily not on my bike so please
I use degreaser, spray it onto a rag and it comes up well. dont spray it on the wheel cause if it gets on the chain it will remove any lubrication. Once you have the rear wheel spotless then put a good liberal coat of turtle wax on the wheel, once dry buff it off with a soft cloth. Once this is done you will find that cleaning your back wheels is easy as the turtle wax coating makes it easy to wipe grime off.
Rear wheels should always be easy to clean, the main problem is people use a spray lubricant on the chain that flys off and covers the back wheel, use a product that sticks to the chain and there is no residue left to fly off when riding.
I use degreaser, spray it onto a rag and it comes up well. dont spray it on the wheel cause if it gets on the chain it will remove any lubrication. Once you have the rear wheel spotless then put a good liberal coat of turtle wax on the wheel, once dry buff it off with a soft cloth. Once this is done you will find that cleaning your back wheels is easy as the turtle wax coating makes it easy to wipe grime off.
Rear wheels should always be easy to clean, the main problem is people use a spray lubricant on the chain that flys off and covers the back wheel, use a product that sticks to the chain and there is no residue left to fly off when riding.

When you use a spray wax you are supposed to wait an hour or so before riding as it needs to evaporate the portion that makes it so liquid. Most people just ride right away and hen get splatter all over.
