Corbin Seat


Super Moderator
Almost. I have to keep reminding myself about patience, but it's not easy.

Has your patience worn out? If not, mine has for you! They should be paying you as well as giving you the new seat.


New Member
You still waiting??


New Member
Technically, she's back. I keep wanting to take some pics, but I always remember when it's dark outside. I should have them by this weekend.

I am also trying to decide if the seat is comfortable enough for me. I think I need to add a touch of padding to the points under my butt bones, but otherwise I like it.


Staff member
Technically, she's back. I keep wanting to take some pics, but I always remember when it's dark outside. I should have them by this weekend.

I am also trying to decide if the seat is comfortable enough for me. I think I need to add a touch of padding to the points under my butt bones, but otherwise I like it.

Quit sand-bagging us!!! :rolleyes:

Give us the pics already! lol


New Member
Technically, she's back. I keep wanting to take some pics, but I always remember when it's dark outside. I should have them by this weekend.

I am also trying to decide if the seat is comfortable enough for me. I think I need to add a touch of padding to the points under my butt bones, but otherwise I like it.

You don't sound very excited about it!


Super Moderator
It's a Corbin... it's not an exciting seat. ;)

Corbin is either a love it or hate it. The key with Corbin is to actually talk to them and explain what you are looking for and they will build it right. :thumbup:


New Member
pics or ban!!!


New Member
You don't sound very excited about it!

I'm still on the fence. I like the look, but the comfort I'm not sure about yet. It is another 1/4 inch lower, though. That's a BIG plus for me. Although, they had to shave a bunch off of their production seat to manage that.


Staff member
I'm still on the fence. I like the look, but the comfort I'm not sure about yet. It is another 1/4 inch lower, though. That's a BIG plus for me. Although, they had to shave a bunch off of their production seat to manage that.

As with all seats, the comfort might improve as it gets broken in. :don'tknow:


New Member
As with all seats, the comfort might improve as it gets broken in. :don'tknow:

That's what I'm hoping for. I'm taking this week to ride it out a little before I make my final judgment. Also, I'm going on a canyon ride on Monday, so that should give me a really good idea if this seat is for me.


Super Moderator
That's what I'm hoping for. I'm taking this week to ride it out a little before I make my final judgment. Also, I'm going on a canyon ride on Monday, so that should give me a really good idea if this seat is for me.

Corbin states with every seat that the breakin is 1,000 miles and they ask customers to please ride out those miles before forming an opinion. That's a LOT of miles just for a seat. :p

I do hope that it does break in and you get the comfort you are looking for though! Keep us informed. :D


New Member
What about that seat gap for the poor sots like me who had to raise it up?
Mine's still looking bugly with that annoying gap.

Any idea what these seats are going to cost yet anyways?


New Member
There is no gap on the low setting. I haven't tried the tall setting yet as it would mean I can't get on the bike. I will be taking some pics this weekend, so I will get one of the seat in high position too. I think there would be no gap judging by how it looks now.

No idea on pricing yet. They may have gotten the seat up on the site, so you can check there. If not, it will be soon.


New Member
I'm really up in the air about this seat...not at all what I was thinking it would turn out to be like.


- Looks comfortable
- Customizable

- Expensive
- "one" seat instead of split into 2

I like the way it looks on the white bike...but how would it look on the other colors I wonder...


Staff member
It looks like a really nice seat. I just can't justify spending that much money for a seat that takes ~1000 miles to break in. :don'tknow:


New Member
I guess if you had the Raven bike, this would look great on it. It definitely doesn't look bad on the white either! I don't think I want to give up the cowling just yet though. I definitely can't get over the price though :eek:


New Member

So you can't have a seat cowl on the bike with the corbin seat? That' sucks if they made it a one piece! Let us know how it feels and let me know if you're going to get rid of your original seat! :) Enjoy the weekend and ride safe!



New Member
It looks like you can still ride 2 up.

It does NOT look like the nice padding and comfort extends to the passanger though...

can you please let me know how much of an upgrade it would be for the pillion rider?
