cool use for a swiffer sweeper...


New Member
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Friggin dope man!!!!
so how many mounts does this make for you now??? ;)

here i just keep mine in my pocket until i find something to take a pic of, silly me.
nice idea btw.
Thats super cool man! Love the swing vid with the kiddo!!! Just gave me a bunch more ideas to use my camera for! That came out great :thumbup: There is so much more we can use this camera for than just putting it on the bike, I love it. I really need to take this along with me everywhere I go.

Now figure out how to attach that pole to your bike for some kick ass shots!
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Thats an awsome idea and the different kinda pics you could get with that, even the wife was amazed!
Awwwwwwww -- that video on the swings with your kid is soooooo great!! What an awesome idea to make a camera mount. Thanks for sharing!! :thumbup:
fantastic idea.
what did you use to construct the connections on the now short pieces?
Just made one myself!!! :D Thanks for the great idea. I found a solid aluminum rod and some other scrap stuff here at work. Drilled and tapped the end and put in a piece of threaded rod and then a bent aluminum piece for the top. Drilled a hole in the side at the top and the bottom for a wrist tether and a tether for the camera to the pole.

Will get some pics up soon. Its not as long as yours, but its maybe 3 feet. Just long enough to get some sweet shots, but not too long to be a pain carrying. Have not tested it out yet, freaking cold here. We pushing sub zero... Will hopefully try it out this weekend when it warms up a little.
