Can't break 100mph

fz6r marc

New Member
Hey guys, I run the hell out of my bike,especially after the 1000mi mark. The problem I have is that I just can't bring myself to run it over 100mph. I keep thinking what if I hit a rough patch of dirt/sand/oil. Or I keep thinking what if my front tire blows. What makes it harder for me is that I have three children. What speed are you guys comfortable at?
I've been up to 115 but only for a few seconds. I cruise about 10-15 over on the bike since the speedo over estimates it its probably closer to 7-11 over. I don't mess with the high speeds unless I am feeling gutsy and sometimes its fun to push it a little.
I am 20 years old, in college and working. Have a long term relationship but no kids, and I too think the "What if..." when I am running at higher speeds. The majority of my solo riding time is spent doing above 80 mph which I am comfortable with. But the only times I am willing to go above 100 and enjoy it is in the middle of the night on a few well lit stretches of freeway. Other than that, I am aggressive but am safe at the same time...

Now though, I am some what of a canyon junkie, and spend a lot of time pushing the bike and doing laps on the nice roads around I figure if I need to worry when riding, it is then..but then again I never really ride in fear. Just thought I would share what I feel/do.
you know, top speed riding is a bit over-rated, I ran my FZ6R up to 120 a couple of times, gets kinda busy, just not my thing.

Now I have a gixxer, and guess what, about the same, up to 100 and I am good, for me it's all about the twisties. Too many dangers out there on the street.

Coming off the bike at 100mph would most certainly mean a trip to the hospital, or worse :eek:
Dude! What are you so afraid of? I'm comfortable up to 40 mph!! After that, well, it's all about vigilance and skills.

Actually, before that too!
I've been to 125 or so, but only when there was on bridges, no bushes for the cops to hide in, and no shoulders. even then it was only for a little less than 10 secs. Just to say I did it on my bike, for my personal satisfaction, not to brag to anybody else.

There is also no need to be traveling at that speed. Usually I travel 10 mph higher then speed limit since NY cops don't usually get pissy about it. Although I do slow down if I see one...
For me, crazy to say... If the 6R did 200 I would most likely do that. That being said, I'm glad she will only do 130. If there is a long straight with no cars, foot traffic, side roads etc... I will be doing triple digits. Am I a squid? No, however I do push the limits at times. I just lean under the wind screen and go. I trust my tires, gear and machine to keep me in one piece. Is that smart? Heck I don't know... It is what it is. I can't lie to ya. I'm sure some will say that's stupid, but I am who I am.

Just know your limits and use your brain! Check your tires each ride and keep up on maintenance.. In the End, only you can twist the throttle. Ride safe!
I'm going to be the counterpoint and say, Marc, don't go that fast if u feel it's not safe. Follow your instincts and ride safely.

If down the road u find a safe environment and know u can safely go that fast, then do it then.

Fear is a natural instinct for self preservation. Listen to it, but don't let it control you either. Good common sense overrides all things, imo..

That being said, I won't incriminate myself on on how fast I've gone on public roads... Hehe :)
Once the bike quits accelerating I back off because staying at high speed is asking for either a ticket or a problem. The FZ6R will dig in and get to 126 MPH in a hurry with an exhaust system and a PCV and then there isn't much more after that. So real short and fast bursts are hard for Police to catch unless they use radar. Flooring it on an on ramp entering a freeway is also one of my favorite things to do as you get almost to 100 as you enter the main freeway and then back off to whatever speed the rest of traffic is doing.
I've been at speed (167 MPH and not on a Yamaha) for 10 minutes before and it is not safe unless the road is clear and you are on an elevated freeway so no animals or cross traffic is possible. It is also a good way to get tossed into jail.
I don't think I'd do it again now with all the helicopters available. Running at 4:00 AM with lights off is the way I did it.....back in the 1970's.
Its sad to say, but I've never even had my 6R above 75mph :(

Then again, I still have less than 200 miles on it. I drive it every day, but I live right in the middle of town, within 2 miles of anything you could possibly need (larger grocery stores, eateries, university, electronics store, my job...). I've also had more than a couple close calls with deer that makes me a bit gun-shy.

For various reasons I rarely leave town and travel, and I spend so much time doing 30-50mph in city limits 75mph actually seems fast. I also haven't replaced my windscreen and I find it tough to actually completely tuck, or maybe I'm just doing it wrong :/

Ride at a speed you feel safe at, and if anybody ever gives you any sh*t about it, feel glad that you're all that much more like to never enter a curve too hot and ruin your bike and/or yourself.
For the most part I am around 60 - 70. I have had the bike opened and got a 127 on the speedo. I don't know what that is actual. but I can say this is not a high top end bike. I have gone 167 in my car for extended periods, my aprilia's can all go faster, but I don't very often. I have no problem going fast, I just don't see a reason to.

Except the rare wild hair.
My R6 will push 168 ish-170 :D On a closed course of course :cool:. It is a bit scary goin that fast! I see no need to push it like that again. And the street is no place to be doing that, so..... It is a rush though. ;)

Either way, dont ride out of your comfort zone. Going that fast and crashing is a death sentence. :(
I agree with Spunky, highway on-ramps are one of my favorite things. Balls-to-the-wall acceleration is on par with cornering as the best part of riding imho.
I like getting on the highway and aiming for a hole in traffic. Its so quick and easy to tap 100-105mph and then back off to the speed limit, it happens regularly. :thumbup:
My R6 will push 168 ish-170 :D On a closed course of course :cool:. It is a bit scary goin that fast! I see no need to push it like that again. And the street is no place to be doing that, so..... It is a rush though. ;)

Either way, dont ride out of your comfort zone. Going that fast and crashing is a death sentence. :(

At what point does the R6 start slowing down....?
ive topped my 6r out plenty of times. mine tops out around 135. it is way overrated. but its nice to know how fast it goes. most of the time i never get above 100.

I've had the 6r at 130 once and 125ish a few times. I had my old R1 at 150 twice, and 100+ more times than I can count. All I can say is shit happens real fast and there isn't much you can do if something gets in your way. I came up on a long sweeping curve on the R1 at 150 and completely let off the throttle in a bit of a panic. The deceleration was so strong I felt like I was gonna go over the handlebars. I didn't have to change my shorts, but my ass was puckered:eek:

Just be careful if you're gonna do it. Straight roads in good condition, no traffic, no places for cars to pull in front of you, and most important, no places where cops can sit.:thumbup:

And anyway, you gotta die of somethin, beats the heck outta everyone readin in the paper that you died from explosive diarrhea or severe rectal trauma.:justkidding:
