Audi trying to keep Rossi

imho, Rossi should have just played nice with Yamaha and shared the stage with Lorenzo... he still would've been "team leader," without a doubt. and, he still would've been making his 35+ million a year in endorsements, merchandising etc etc. plus, he would've retired with class and the full backing of Yamaha. now, that's not to say that he can't do that with Ducati. but, it's a very difficult path. the M1, afterall, was a bike developed and fine tuned to his riding style.

well, we'll see how all this plays out...

the one take away from this weekend's race is that even the very best riders have off days and/ or inconsistencies here and there. one crash from stoner and pedrosa's in the running now. lol who would've thought?

makes me feel better about my own frustrations week-to-week practicing, where some weeks i have a really nice, smooth weekend ride. but, then on other weeks feel like i can't do anything right and am fighting the entire time to stay consistent... lol x_X
I haven't followed as much this year but my thoughts on Rossi/Ducati/Yamaha:
Whatever the deal is w/ Rossi -- the dude needs a home where he can do his thing. He needs to be out in front where he belongs. Guy is a legend. He is obviously capable of doing so BUT he did have it real nice w/ Masao Furusawa -- and looks like he thought he could of had it better so he threw it away. It's just kind of painful to see him struggling like this.

I bet that Desmo and that Italian factory team are a whole world different than the Yama crew and M1.

I also wouldn't want to have Lorenzo "interrupted" by Rossi. Lorenzo is a completely different character who I have much respect for. He is top notch, he has stuck it out with Yama-- this is his time. Let him have it.

Just my .2:cool:
they're just trying to save face. IMHO yes rossi is awesome, more correctly, was, and prob. still is on another bike, not this one. Stoner said it perfectly, you have to change your riding style to adapt to the duc, not the other way around, and rossi is trying to do just that, well was, the crew and him finally gave in and used hayden's setups. hope rossi leaves and cal signs on
I thought that Rossi brought most of his 'team' with him to Ducati, as part of his sign on agreement his crew has been with him for a long time, IMO they are all having a rough time adjusting to 1. Ducati & 2. A new Ducati bike

I believe, that unfortunately his time in the sun has come and gone, and now we are all witnessing a demoralising defeat of one who was once so great.

However does Ducati want to be remembered/ associated with turning their back on their own country man who was once so great? -no great brand association in that move for them
Check the onboard of Ducati from Assen :

[ame=]Assen - Ducati OnBoard - YouTube[/ame]

It's a Ducati factory issue, there's no question. It's not setup or rider, its laughable what you say Bert, just watch the video and tell me its not the bike ?
Audi/Ducati would be smart to pay Rossi and do whatever he needs to make him competitive.

He's one of the world's biggest stars.

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I agree. Why not let him pilot design a bike instead of molding rossi to an noncompetitive bike and has been know as noncompetitive by EVERYONE, even Ducati acknowledges it.

After watching the video of the Ducati and comparing it with the Yamaha and the Honda the difference is like night and day. Definetly the bike's behavior is very rough compared to the other two.
