Attention, Attention, Attention!!!!


New Member
Yes I am glad I wear a full face because then no one can ID the dude who dropped his bike at the lights for no apparent reason...:banghead::banghead::banghead:
I was almost home, a little tired and irritated from work and at the lights, right hand slightly downhill turn I was checking traffic to see if I could do one of my rolling stops and next thing I know I feel things leaning right that shouldn't be and I am picking the bike up :confused:...Still not quite sure what happened which bugs me more than dropping it. I guess I'll have to chalk it up to pay more attention when tired...hmmmm....

Oh well no real damaged, little scratch on the HVMP bar ends and I scrubbed a bit of the 'Texas' off the T-rex (I am sure someone here will say that is an improvement ;))

So pay attention out there...
Yeah,, that would be kind of cool to see a video of that,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but we really should not laugh at some one elses misfortune!:rof::justkidding:
if i'm at a long stoplight and get bored, i'll shift the bike between my legs. i've almost tipped over once, haha :D
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drop while taking license test...

Some 15 years ago when I was taking my state DMV driving test to get my motorcycle class C license (Prior to getting a car class license) I was acing the test and performed everything flawlessly. Pulled the bike back in front of the DMV guy and he said "congrats you passed... now go park and meet me inside so we can print your license!" I was so excited and thrilled (also still in my teens I didn't quite know how to handle my excitement) I had to go up this really steep hill to do a U-Turn into a parking spot where at the apex of the U-turn I wasn't going fast enough and fell over! I was so embarrased and pissed but the first thing I did was look back to see if my license facilitator was looking, luckily he was not so I was clear. How dumb i felt and I had been riding/racing dirtbikes since I was 8 so I had no excuse! Brand NEW Honda 600 F2 (at the time) and only minimal damage but still embarassing. I actually didnt take the spot and went around the corner to park because the DMV was all windows and I know everyone inside was watching/laughing. I parked around corner, left helmet, jacket on bike and my hat low in embarassment. Still have the license pic today and you can see it in my face how red/embarassed I was! Man what a day that was!
