Accident clip


New Member
what do you guys think could of been done, to avoid this nonsense.

Don't speed in congested areas?
First of all, approaching an intersection at that speed is asking for trouble. Also, if he was looking ahead and anticipating problems, he would have seen that car in time to slow down and avoid the collision. On a bike, you can usually see fairly far ahead over the cars. Also, it looks like he moved in the same direction as the car was moving. If he'd held his line in the same lane, he wouldn't have hit the car.

Root cause = excessive speed
First I'd say slow down. Then, keep your head up and scan moving. It looks like he scope-locked and drove straight into him, no attempt to avoid at all.
i see fault on both parties.

the biker is definitely speeding and not looking ahead... the car turning left is not paying attention either and also driving like they're in a friggen funeral procession.

when clearing an intersection, always proceed with caution and execute the turn as quickly and smoothly as possible to get out of the way of cross traffic asap!

if u look at the speed of the car turning left, it's fairly clear that they are taking their happy ass time as if they're in a parade... it's an intersection- not a parking lot, grandma!

lose, lose... :(
If the bike had stayed in his lane he would have easily missed the car. Stupid is as stupid does as Forest Gump's mom said.

target fixation, for riders that don't usually go twisties with a group, or do a trackday. When they find out about it, stuff happens...

You said it like it's easy to avoid. Watch videos of crashes at the track, beginners make that same mistake all the time. You have to look where you want to go. In a crash some people forget that.
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I would dis-agree with the theory that both parties were at fault. As the car had cleared more than 50 percent by the time the bike railed him. Not to mention the superman on the bike appeared to be trying to go around the front of the car instead of behiind it. I would also guess the rate of speed of the superman biker was more than a few ticks over the set limit.

I would probably be pissed at the d-bag for wrecking my car!
obviously the bike is speeding

it looks like the motorcycle rider, whom didn't have much decision time based on speed, expected the car that was turning to not continue the turn, so he veered to miss and the turning car never saw the motorcycle coming.

cars generally lolly out into the median, especially large medians to wait to turn....

the motorcyclist had a blocked few with traffic and not much time with his speed to see that the guy was just slowly crawling through. it probably looked like the car wasn't moving for the little time he got to see it.

legally, the one who hits with their front end is at fault, and the car does clear with the front end where as the bike plows front end first. had the bike hit the car dead center in the front end, it possible the vehicle would have needed to yield to him, however the bike is breaking enough traffic laws that the court wouldn't favor him; insurance companies might call it a draw depending.

Uhhh slow down and stay in his lane? If he had, he would've missed the car. He looked magnetically attracted to the midsection of that turning car! True to go where you look!!!
