A not very talked about situation

I disagree with alot of what you guys are saying. Your missing the main factor.....the colleges out there have RUN OF THE LAND.

I understand your mad that tax dollars go to paying off the student loans that are all in default....but the fact of the matter is standard education shouldnt cost what it does. There is no regulation on all the for profit colleges that issue bullshit degree's but are heavily marketed and target young students. If you dont have a parent or a guidance councelor that steers you away, your distracted by all the shiny objects and opportunity they promise but do not deliver.

For example: Rasmussen offers a bachelors program for client services/ corrections

With a job as a Corrections service specialist entry level with that degree starts at $28,066 in my area. If you have your masters degree pay scale is $40,265 starting.

Now this degree costs:

Approximate Tuition: $59,463

but thats before the recent increase in tuition which boosts that number up to $63030.00

now you do a 10 year repayment plan that equates to $725.35 a month. $24,000 in interest paid out. so that loan is now $87030

So entry level job pays $2388 a month....after taxes thats roughly $1911.00 a month before any health or dental is taken out. Lets say you have ONE HELL of a health plan and its cheap...You pay $125 a month for it, and $30 for dental.

lets map this out:

- $125

lets presume you live alone, no kids.....You have your beater car from college, you split rent with someone, and you have a cell phone.

the rent is $450
Cellphone is $50
Car insurance $100
$460 a month to live on not including gas, food, heath deducible, medications, entertainment.......

Thats for 10 years provided you dont get a pay raise....and right now this position is in a pay freeze.

Personally I think offering situations like this and advocating that you will be highly successful by having this degree and masking the true costs to the student is theft.

How about the medical assiting degree that cost $42,000 to get from rasmussen, and the job pays $12 an hour. Why the hell is that even legal to offer, especially for that cost?

Its partly the colleges fault for not educating the student on what degrees bare no meaning what so ever.....such as liberal arts, or a bachelors in greek mythology?
Colleges shouldnt be allowed to be that expensive. I understand prestigous colleges like MIT, Yale, Brown, Harvard....but these bullfunkt for profit BS schools....not a chance. Someone is becoming a billionaire over and over again thanks to smoke screens andsomeone being naive. Look at some of rasmussen, or other for profit job listings....they hire sales people....not educational professionals.
"Personally I think offering situations like this and advocating that you will be highly successful by having this degree and masking the true costs to the student is theft."

what is even worse i have contacted both mmi, itt tech, wyotech, and many other technical schools in search for a school i can attend to become a motorcycle mechanic, when asked how much the average cost per semester the told me " oh dont worry about that we have financial aid and loans and thats not important right now" i called at-least 10 different places... spoke to 20 different people they said oh we will send you a packet with more info..... it never came.... they kept calling and i would say im supposed to be getting a packet with more info and they would transfer me to someone again and id ask the same questions how much does it cost on average per semester....they would give me the run around like i never asked a question.... id ask for more info and the cycle would start over....it happened for almost a year until i finally told each and every school if you wont provide me an average cost or a number i will not and i refuse to attend your school....... i haven't gotten a call since..... at this point to.... my quoted average price per tuition at the local community college here is between 5-10k a semester.....there are 4 in a year and im supposed to spend 2 years there to get my associates....... thats 40-80k just for an associates..... thats absurd!

I went to LFCC in VA and didnt pay anything for my AAS in gen engineering/ CAD. All covered by financial aid grants. My wife has not had to pay hardly anything here for her associates in health information technology. Go to fafsa and you will be surprised. And those quotes you are getting usually include food, room and board, etc. You wont be doing any of that usually.

I would stay away from ITT Tech and schools like that. 20 times more expensive than the same thing the community college offers.
I went to LFCC in VA and didnt pay anything for my AAS in gen engineering/ CAD. All covered by financial aid grants. My wife has not had to pay hardly anything here for her associates in health information technology. Go to fafsa and you will be surprised. And those quotes you are getting usually include food, room and board, etc. You wont be doing any of that usually.

I would stay away from ITT Tech and schools like that. 20 times more expensive than the same thing the community college offers.

Your considered a dependant until your 24 according to the board of education. My parents made 90k combined, and according the the FASFA program I qualified for zero assistance in the form of grants and I got 12 subsidized loans....the rest is unsubsidized and parent plus loans which I have to pay.

Even now, making 30k a year I qualify for absolutely no grants. Idk why....
there's a lot of talk about the college loan bubble and when it will go bang. sooner or later will be a time when people never pay their student loans. currently there's already deferrals, payment plans and ways to keep from making a dent in the balance.

i've done collections; you can take any debt - mortgage, auto, cards - make them all 0% and still won't matter = a deadbeat is a deadbeat. they always come up with an excuse not to pay.

it's a damn shame what our country has become financially. the worst is yet to come and most of us will be gone to see it. pray for the kids to have the <blank> to correct it. i doubt it will ever happen, it's gone too far. who really respects our gov't for what they do. how can you tell people to pay what they owe, when you (gov't, banks) doesn't do it themselves? = hypocrisy
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Your considered a dependant until your 24 according to the board of education. My parents made 90k combined, and according the the FASFA program I qualified for zero assistance in the form of grants and I got 12 subsidized loans....the rest is unsubsidized and parent plus loans which I have to pay.

Even now, making 30k a year I qualify for absolutely no grants. Idk why....

Yes i was independant. Married and one child combined yearly income of a little more than $50k. That's about the same as it is now and my wife is gettng the same grants which has covered almost everything. We have had to buy a book or two... I graduated in 08 when i was 24. They said i was not dependant status when i applied.... Maybe because married?
yes if you have a child or married you qualify....
Sounds like a typical scam.

We used to have free uni here. Now its 80-90% foreign students. Go figure, I have and its not pretty.
Even now, making 30k a year I qualify for absolutely no grants. Idk why....

Because now, that 30k is more than a growing number of people. They more than likely lowered the salary level b/c too many people qualified. wonderful isn't it?
CC you did not properly cite your sources in APA format so unfortunately I have to fail you for plagiarism.

But really, how much government funding is given to colleges every year? If they get all this money from the government how do they keep finding reasons to raise tuition? My tuition has gone up every year since I came to my school. My first semester was about 28XX and my last semester here was 33XX and keep in mind that is per semester. Really is ridiculous how much debt it racks up I know that I am over the national average.
But really, how much government funding is given to colleges every year? If they get all this money from the government how do they keep finding reasons to raise tuition?

I work for Indiana University. It is a state school. ~Twenty years ago this state school received 50% of it's funding from the state. It really was a "state school". Tuition was a lot lower back then. State appropriations have steadily declined. This year only 18% of funding comes from the state and that is expected to decrease to less than 10% in the next decade. The state provides less and less each year and also restricts tuition increases. When is a state school no longer a state school?

Yea you would definitely know better than I do about what the state contributes. I go to a state university in MN and there was a point in time where they thought they would have to close the school if they could not increase tuition. I always thought the federal government made contributions too I am just not sure how all of that stuff works. And maybe all the blame of student debt should be put on raising tuition.. living costs can be horrendous when it comes to rent whether you are in a dorm or off campus. The expenses add up quickly and can be quite hard to manage. It will definitely take me a good 6-9 years to pay back all of my debt and that is a very loose estimate. I would think there is someway to help students out without it being such a burden to the taxpayers. I also believe that some of that taxpayer money is definitely necessary for our country.. we need to keep a higher education affordable so that our country can prosper and better itself through the young minds.
