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Harda toenail

New Member
Thank you all for convincing me to leave this forum. This is my last post here and can't believe there is a discussion like this open to all the forum members. Goodbye. Glad to go.


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New Member
Wow...Im kind of at a loss on that one....Sorry admin/mods.....I even got a few thank you PM's on this thread...I never expected that....let alone someone leaving?


Super Moderator
Thank you all for convincing me to leave this forum. This is my last post here and can't believe there is a discussion like this open to all the forum members. Goodbye. Glad to go.

Seriously? Its been actually really civil with people just telling their opinions. Sorry you cannot handle that ;)


Staff member
^^ Agreed!


New Member
It has been really civilized, I don't believe in god but love to talk about religion and listen to everyones opinion. Just gives me a different perspective.:)


New Member
this has been a positive learning enviroment. As I stated before, this was not intended to bring out any hostility, this was clearly a thread in response to the 3am "cautious corner" call out thread....along with trying to keep it simple and allow everyone to state their own opinions. Just because one doesnt believe the same as another doesnt mean were arguing or bantering. We simple have stated both sides of the matter in a calm professional adult way. This is a sector of the forum where any topic can be discussed...WITH CARE. As this thread has gone rather smooth and calm I am saddened to see your choice being made to leave such a warm and humble family here. The fact is....we all could handle this topic politely which makes me love this forum more than any other. This should truly show what great character we have here ! Thanks again everyone for handling things so well and telling us your thoughts and feelings as well!


New Member
The ability to learn about anything, whether it be other religions in the world or a different type of motorcycle to buy, relies on the person to not put blinders on and have an open mind when reading a subject. It is a choice to open this thread and read it, and to choose to make or not make a comment. The thread has been extremely civil and I think me (and likely others) are looking forward to other posts to read throughout it.


New Member
I read a rebuttal to one of my statements and got a little hot around the collar because I didn't feel that the argument was fair. That lasted less than a second and I had to agree that his opinion was worth as much as mine no matter what point on the compass it was from and I got over it fast.

This has been civil and non-argumentative. Points from all sides explored and not one personal attack or any bickering.

Good job Guys and Gals....:iconbeer:


New Member
I really think that this is a great thread. We've all been able to express how we feel without hard feelings. As I have said before we cannot prove or dis-prove the existance of any diety. You have to go with what you feel.

Thanks Cautious


New Member
I read a rebuttal to one of my statements and got a little hot around the collar because I didn't feel that the argument was fair. That lasted less than a second and I had to agree that his opinion was worth as much as mine no matter what point on the compass it was from and I got over it fast.

This has been civil and non-argumentative. Points from all sides explored and not one personal attack or any bickering.

Good job Guys and Gals....:iconbeer:

Spunky I will admit I was a little nervous for your posts as your ALWAYS one to speak your mind and stand in the bold without fear! Which isnt a bad thing at all, I think its great you stick true to your colors and not afraid to make it known! Your post makes me smile that you werre able to stand back and look at an opinion for what it was...just an opinion :D I actually did like your posts in this though, you brought up some amazing and very valid points. I appreciate it and your thoughts and comments! Keep em coming, you seem like one of the most educated here when ever you post up its always filled with knowledge!

I really think that this is a great thread. We've all been able to express how we feel without hard feelings. As I have said before we cannot prove or dis-prove the existance of any diety. You have to go with what you feel.

Thanks Cautious

Blueraven I couldn't agree with you more about the expressing our thoughts without hard feelings! Thanks for the appreciation in your post blueraven! I was scared a little once I saw how explosive the post count became, but as I said before....we are an amazing community here! Thanks guys and gals!


Lord Humongous
Elite Member


New Member
Your uncle is not technically right.

Agnosticism is actually a creation of the Catholic Church. Catholic scholars intentionally created a "middle ground" for non-believers, as a method fo attempting to real people back in. If you look at what the words mean, there really is no such thing as an agnostic when it comes to religion. If you think there is a god, then you are not an atheist. If you are unsure, then you certainly don't believe there IS a god, and hence technically you are an atheist...you don't believe there is a god.

But by creating the "agnostic" label, the church created an atheist lite, so people would not have to be labelled as an outright atheist. It also conveniently allowed them to define atheism more radically, and hence condemn it. An atheist doesn't necessarily deny the existence of god. But an atheist chooses not to believe in a god because the existence of god is not proven. It was the church, through their creation of the agnostic label, that then defined atheists as outright "deniers" and hence much more hardline, and for the time, condemn-able.

Just so you know.

Well put brotha, good input, I don't remember coming across the true origin of agnosticism so this was great to hear.


Lord Humongous
Elite Member


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Actually, the word agnostic originated in a Thomas Henry Huxley speech to describe his philosophy that rejects all claims of spiritual or mystical knowledge. Basically, without proof, there is not knowledge.

It is not about Christianity or Catholicism.


New Member
every human race, culture, ethnicity across the globe seems to have a need for some type of spirituality- be it in the form of nature, deity, animals, mythology, or what not. and, all religions seek to explain the same question of "what is human life about and where does it begin & end."

not to get philosophical, but ultimately, there is an explanation to all this. the only problem is no one will ever really know what that truth is, or what paths lead to it...

therefore, all religions are just "opinions." and, opinions are like assholes. and, that is everyone has one, and they all stink.

so, i think it's fair enough to say that everyone should just be mindful & respectful of other people's beliefs and make sure that anything we believe in never infringes upon the inalienable human rights of other people... period.

isn't america great? :)


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Lord Humongous
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