22 year old dating an 18 year old?


New Member
So I was working, and ordered some Pizza. Girl sounded gorgeous over the phone. We show up to pick it up, and sure enough, very cute girl is taking orders. Long story short, I gave her my number, and we've been talking ever since. I thought she'd be atleast 20. She's 18. I'm 22. I'm willing to give it a try, because she's really sweet, but I'm nervous that I'll end up screwed over in the end. She's a college student, has a job, has a car, knows what she wants to be in life, seems to be pretty goal oriented, seems like an over all good person, and seems to really dig me. And I'm digging her the same.

Any advice would be appreciated!
I'm almost 24 and dating a 18 year old. She was in my Econ 305 class, me as a sophomore, her as a freshman. It's not that big of a deal, just a fact of starting college late because of the military.
I agree with all the above. Yep age is just the number and make sure she's not rounding up from 17 lol

As long as you both make each other happy I think it's all good.
I was 18 and hubby was 25......23yrs later still together......if its right it will feel right....
