1,400 mile Tour: Up and Down Cali, Jan. '09 (PICS!)


New Member
I got back from a little road trip this past Saturday. All in I did about 1,400 miles during 4 days of actual riding. The first two were on the way down to visit family in San Diego and the second two were with my wife on the back heading home.

Here is the approximate route I took:


DAY ONE: I did San Francisco to Los Angeles (had to hit I-5 on the way down as I couldn’t leave until noon and ran out of daylight around 5:30 PM). I slabbed it about 80 miles out of the city and then picked up and awesome ride down rt. 25 to 198 before slabbing the rest of the way out of necessity (so sad).


DAY TWO: I did an awesome ~250 mile loop with Cali_Rider before getting a late lunch and heading down to my Aunt and Uncle’s house to relax for the next few days.


We hit up Palomar later in the day which was pretty sick especially with very little traffic. Before I move on, let me just say that Cali_Rider is and excellent rider and a h3ll of a nice guy. He was great to follow and set a quick but comfortable pace. He’s just one extremely experienced and wise rider. :thumbup:


~ I was then off the bike for 2 full days visiting family ~

DAY THREE (of riding): We had some wet and super foggy weather in the morning so we had to take more slab then we wanted but at least we made good time. We definitely had some great sections of road later in the day but were disappointed that we could not cut through the Los Padres National Forest due to the fact that the road to Ojei was pretty cold, shady, and wet…we knew it would only get worse as we kept climbing and dark was on the horizon. We got rained on lightly for the last 30 miles or so but were prepared.



DAY FOUR: After a short jaunt up the 101 in the morning, we hit some awesome back roads for almost the entire day before ending up back on rt. 1. At this point my wife was ready to get home and again, the darkness was coming and the temps were dropping, so we took rt. 17 out of Santa Cruz (which was a scary road especially since traffic was heavy but moving and there were many damp shaded sections). I wish we could have cut directly through the mountains up rt. 9 etc. as originally planned but it was not in the cards.



In summary, I had a blast and I love California….but touring in the winter when the days are short has its drawbacks. My wife had fun and didn’t complain even after the miles ticked past 300 per day and even when we got wet. Next time I ride down to SD I’m doing it during the warmer months when the days are long :thumbup:


The FZ6 performed flawlessly but my gas mileage was down due to the weight, my height, and lack of a fairing...oh yeah, and the throttle tube. I got a oil pressure light twice on the fourth day both times after starting the bike cold. I checked the oil leve etc. and everything was fine...the light went out after a few miles so I'm thinking it had to do with the temperature changes and and elevation changes. :confused: Thoughts?
You guys rock.

Tell Angela I said HI!!!!

It looks like you both had a blast.
Looks like a great ride, nice pics. How cool is it to see snow and palm trees on the same ride?
Thanks for the kind words, Nate. It was a pleasure riding with you. Don't forget, we MUST do a trackday together..
Awesome Nate! Nice to see you settling in in CA!

John has always been an outstanding forum member. It makes sense that he'd be a great guy to hang with in person!

Thanks for sharing guys!
Some really great photos! Thanks for sharing your trip with the rest of us.
Great Pics! But how and the hell did you ever see over that tank bag? It's Huge!

+1 on John ( Cali-Rider ) very skilled as I had an opportunity to follow his dust up Poly.
Thanks for the writeup and great pics. Too bad you couldn't come up the coast via Big Sur. I've driven that a few times in the cage, and it's so darn scenic its hard to keep your eyes on the road. Consequences (falling off a 200 foot cliff) is pretty significant if you don't pay attention though.
Great pics! The one with the snow looks just like around these parts.
Glad you had a good time. Hwy 17 is never fun, even in a cage. You'll have to come east up to the Sierras during the summer, we have some mighty fine riding up here too.
Wow, cool pics. Cali is one of many western states I have not ventured too yet.

As for the oil light? I know it is for oil level, and when the season got colder here in WI it came on a few times after being started, even though oil was full on dipstick. Could just be a Yamaha glitch and would not worry about it unless it stays on all the time.

Glad you had a great trip!
Nice ride! Hard to beat California riding. May I suggest you take a trip North up hwy 1? The scenery and turns only get better!
I can't open the pictures from work :( a very nice write up. I will have a good look at them from home.
Have you moved with work Nate? Or are you at a new Job?

Looks like a very cool trip. I wish i one day will have the chance to tour California on a bike.:D

Have a nice day
Oh man I am so jelaous....This is the life man...I bet it was beyond good. I would love to do something like this. Ride on my bro...Good pics BTW. :rockon:
Nate! i didn't know you had moved so far away! I guess i'll have to come and visit you guys. Say hello to Angela. Those roads look amazing. I have done a lot of riding to the Smokeys lately and have found deserted roads that are as good or better than Deals Gap. You guys are welcome to stop by if you're ever around here.

Oh and happy new year!

Naked with a topcase seems a bit inconsistent, but I'm glad to see you're settling in to California. The next time you get that close, ask your San Diego relatives to point you to Dudley's Bakery in Santa Ysabel. Date Nut Raisin - $4.45 : Dudleys Bakery Online Store, Try our Bread of the Month Club! You'll need to buy more than one loaf. Also run down Mesa Grande Road to the Hideout. Twists and turns | The San Diego Union-Tribune The Harley riders won't bite. Finally, you can go up to Palomar from the back side, so have fun.
