Laid the bike down again... very minor injuries

Okay, I hate to say it. This is my 3rd lay down of my bike. I don't have any photos up yet, I'll post them tomorrow.

I was traveling through New Brunswick on Easton Ave. in NJ. This happened at about 12am. Yes, the roads were a little wet from a little rain, but it wasn't too serious. I was wearing my SHIFT jacket and Kevlar pants. I was doing 25mph looking for a place I was meeting a friend for the Halloween night. The sidewalks were crowded with college students in costumes, etc. Without warning, a girl decided to run across the middle of the street to get to the other side. I reacted by tapping the front break (apparently too hard). I think she was like 1 car length in front of me and I'm still going 25mph. I immediately slide out and low side off the bike. The bike separated from me and slid on the front and rear frame sliders. It then came to a halt about 10 or so feet in front of me, and inches away from a parked car.

I initially hit my left hip really hard and then my head flung backwards and hit the middle of it. I laid there for about 10 seconds while a huge crowd gathered around and people were screaming "call 911". I checked in my head to see if I was feeling any serious pain that would prevent me from standing. After I knew I wasn't seriously hurt, I got up and picked the bike up with a few by-standers.

I never found the girl who ran across the street, and even though I was wearing my highly reflective Olympus motorcycle vest, the girl either did not see me or tried to "beat the train" before I passed her.

I dusted myself off and was so pissed fearing that I yet again damaged my bike really badly. I looked at the bike and the body panels were fine. My left mirror was still attached, but the glass broke out of it (have a few spares at home). The shifter was bent in..$50 dollar replacement. I bent the rear frame slider that is on my rear wheel upwards. The little piece of plastic that comes down from my gas tank that goes behind the chain was broken off from the bolt, but it's not a big deal. That's it for damage.

The good part comes next. There were attractive 3 girls that offered for me to come into their college house that was right next to where my bike fell. They wanted to make sure I was okay, and to see if I had any serious injuries. I only saw a few stars for about 1/2 hour and then I started to feel better. I had no pain anywhere else in my body, but a slight headache and obviously my hip hurt. Long story short, I spent the next few hours with them and eventually got the really cute girl's phone number. I drove home in a light shower of rain, but at least I got a number out of it :).

I'm just about to purchase the Alpinestars Bionic Freeride Shorts. I normally would wear my armored pants, but I wanted to dress down a little while still retaining some protection. So, I chose to wear the Kevlar jeans. Come to think of it, I wanted to buy these shorts years ago as a way to not feel so bulky with casual riding around town.

If you want to know where I fell, go to this link and type in "Easton Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ." I was one block east of the St. Peters University Hospital.

I'll take this as another learning experience. Thankfully, I was not traveling at a higher speed.

On a side note, as I was outside with the girls several hours later, an on-road / dirt bike looking thing flew by the same street doing at least 40mph in a 25... Luckily he didn't have the same fate as I did.

That's it for now :).
$50... slightly bruised hip... I've done (and spent) a hella lot more for a good date...

Glad to hear you're ok...
Update: Just moved the bike inside out of the rain. The left flush turn signal is broken. The left side of the nosecone should be replaced. It's badly scratched. Minor abrasion marks on the left faring, but a little touch-up paint will fix that.
... and then my head flung backwards and hit the middle of it.

... I only saw a few stars for about 1/2 hour and then I started to feel better. I had no pain anywhere else in my body, but a slight headache

Sounds like you banged your head pretty hard. If I were you, I'd take a trip to the doctor and get checked out. You might have had a small concussion. And ... you'll definitely need to replace your helmet.

Hope you feel better soon.
Yes and yes :).

I have had frame sliders since I first got the bike and added rear spools to go with it. They did the job! Well, most of the body was protected. I wish they didn't grind down when they slide on pavement... They need to "slide" more.

There's a small scuff on the oil cover (I think that's what it's called), but oh well. I can live with it.

I own the Rev'it Gear Pants.
REV'IT! Gear Pants - RevZilla
Glad to hear you're ok. And also bike stopped in front of a parked car and not under it.
A lot of leaves came down in our area, maybe you hit one dead on on E aston. You were really close to my area, do you live in the area?

I'm from Morris County. 35 minutes up 287.

I honestly thought the leaves were going to get me that night, but a random pedestrian did :D.
It was pretty wet and with the leaves pretty slippery.

Cool, I'm off exit 5 in South Plainfield.

Yeah, the on and off ramps of 287 up in Morristown had a huge amount of leaves in the corners. part of the ramp was just covered. I stayed in the middle of the pavement. I went very slowly and didn't seem to have a problem.

I think I might just put a camera on my helmet or bike. I really want to see what I do to make me fall. I feel like I'm the only one who's having these unusual low sides.

That reminds me, do I need to replace my helmet? It's not cracked, but there a small mark on the rear of it. I was on my back when my head went backwards and hit the pavement. I'm not sure hard that is, but is that too much of an impact to warrant replacement?
Man you only get one squash, get a new helmet.
I banged my head hard wearing a helmet and wasn't starred but stunned.
I replaced mine and glad I did. I opened up the old helmet just cause and the inside was pulverized. I always run a Snell/Dot rated helmet. My current is a shoei, so I'm not running cheapy helemts.

I had a similar situation, where a dog out of no where tried to get me right before a stop sign and I went down in gravel. It was down or out in the cross street in front of a car.
I hear that, I might replace it with a cheaper one for the time being.

Knock on wood, I haven't downed my bike at anything higher than 40 MPH. I'm hoping I never have an accident at 55 or 65. That would terrify me. I wasn't too scared at 25 as soon as I knew I was sliding and not rolling or flipping around in the air.

first off glad your ok, I hate crash posts but since you said laid down I thought I would check it. You should have titled it almost got laid because of a low side lol. Forget pictures of the bike post some of the girl :D
Results any different if its not wet or raining? im lucky in CA we don't get a ton of rain and when we do its cage time for me. We also don't have mass amounts of falling leaves except maybe in some residential areas.
