Blinker Issues - One Side Too Dim and Too Fast


New Member
Hello, First off let me start by saying that I do NOT have aftermarket blinkers on my bike. I plan on getting some Protons later on, but for now I am sticking with the stock. So keep that in mind when I ask my question lol.

Ok, yesterday I installed LED STRIPS throughout of my whole bike for some nice glow during the nightime. I bought LED GLOW, so I wouldn't have to mess with wiring. The only wiring that I had to do to the bike was put a positive wire from the control box to the battery, and then ground on a screw under the seat. The rest are basically the USB wires to the control box to the light strip.

Ok, Just wanted to say that too, just in case something could have happened in all that fun yesterday. My problem is this, my blinkers on my left side are much dimmer than my right side, and they are also blinking much faster. My indicator on the panel is also blinking much faster when I am turning left than right. Today I tried to test everything I could to see what it could be. I switched the bulbs around to see if the problem would change to the right side with the left sides bulbs in, and no change. I unhooked the battery and left it unhooked awhile, thinking that maybe for some weird reason I had to reset everything. Checked fuses. I checked the wires and everything looks hooked up. The only thing I did not check was the Flasher Relay, and that is because I don't have another one to check it with. That is my next step, but I was hoping maybe someone could tell me if it could even be the flasher relay first. I wouldn't think it would be the flasher relay because the lights on the right side of the bike are working just fine, not to mention my bike is about a month old with 645 miles on it.

Someone please give me some advice, THANKS

Nope I haven't tried that yet but I am going to go outside adn try it now while it is still light. If it works I will update, if not the question still stands.
Yea I have unhooked the positive and ground both, and I don't recall if it was like that before or not. If it was I never noticed it. The only reason I noticed it yesterday after the install was because when I was going to put the bike away for the night, I noticed only one light on the side was on when the key was on and discovered that the plug that goes from the light to the connector above the front wheel was unhooked, but that was easy to just plug back in. After I plugged it back in, that is when I noticed that it was blinking fast and dim.
Yea, I'm not sure what has happened And no I did not have to splice any wires at all. I plan on getting a relay, I think that is the only other thing it could be, I just thought that if it was a relay it would be all the blinkers, I could be wrong though.
Another thing I have came across when searching the interweb on this issue is that some people have said that the reason their bikes (Not Fz6R) were doing this, was because they had a bad ground. Does anyone know where or what exactly the ground on this Fz6R would be. Maybe this is the problem.

Yea I don't know if I would do all that lol. To be honest, I would just check the ground on the blinker but I don't know where the ground for the blinker is. My bike is still under waranty so I could always just take it in, the only thing is that the closest yamaha dealer is like 60 miles away and wanted to try to avoid going if it was just a real easy fix.
