
I get 50-55 mpg when I on the highway and 60 when off the highway on my bike.

My car (Ford Focus SEL 2012) gets 36-37 during the coldest months, and I have seen 39 during the warmest week of last month. Hoping to see 40 in the summer! And it probably couldn't beat a V8 from a line (well, there's really no "probably" about that), but for normal every day driving it is very quick and handles great. Feels like it should get worse gas mileage for the way it moves. Funny thing, when I bought it, the average MGP stored in the computer was 30.... How was the poor thing driven before?
You're right, it's a really long article and has big numbers and, ugh, facts in it. I'll see if I can find something with pictures for you.

Let me guess Milt, you voted for Obama and Feinstien too right? Sorry but I'm with Scott, when gas gets to $10 a gallon then I'll think about "conservation" until then people like you will drive a Prius and people like me will run up on you in the fast lane with brights flashing to pass.
I religiously track my mileage in my Honda CR-V, but I've decided that I don't want to even bother with the FZ6R. Part of my mileage tracking mentality makes me try to get the best mileage possible, and I just want to enjoy the power of the FZ6R, so I'm not tracking it anymore. I did track it once and I think I was getting 46 mpg on that tank.
Mine is always getting 50 mpg but knowing my speedo is 5 mph faster then actual so I am thinking I am getting more like 46 47 mpg. Also I am excited I found a gas station that has 93 supreme with NO ethanol.

Also don't get me started on the hole Prius thing.... how much do those batteries cost again? For the money I would rather buy 2 or 3 mid 90's Honda Civic's to conserve on gas or buy a diesel powered Jetta. It has been proved many times over and over again diesel is cleaner for the environment and offers more fuel efficiency then gas.
Mine is always getting 50 mpg but knowing my speedo is 5 mph faster then actual so I am thinking I am getting more like 46 47 mpg. Also I am excited I found a gas station that has 93 supreme with NO ethanol.

Also don't get me started on the hole Prius thing.... how much do those batteries cost again? For the money I would rather buy 2 or 3 mid 90's Honda Civic's to conserve on gas or buy a diesel powered Jetta. It has been proved many times over and over again diesel is cleaner for the environment and offers more fuel efficiency then gas.

Plus the Jetta drivers drive like normal people and they have plenty of power.
In defense of Prius owners the battery's have a good warranty and last quite awhile and the brakes last forever. Don't get me wrong, I would never condone driving one but all you really have to do is oil changes and air filters with a couple of light bulbs mixed in.
i only got below 40mpg once (39.8 I think). I did mostly highway driving, and probably averaged 44mpg.

Even when I rode it like I stole it, I still averaged low 40's. 100% highway could get almost 50mpg :D
Around 35 mpg
gas!!! I pump it dont look a the price not worry about my mileage.

to me it is what it is. crying as I fill up the vette wont help any. not like keeping track will save me cash. and if horrible gas mileage and fuel costs bug me that much then I just need another vehicle lol

IDK just my opinion dont take anything personaly that just me

I have this mentality as well. I still track my mileage just to know what I am getting, but when it comes time to fill up, it is what it is. I'm just a curious person about gas mileage. My 6R recently has been getting about 47 mpg highway/city. I haven't tracked it just using the highway yet though. My truck, (2003 Chevy Trailblazer) depending on how I drive, gets high 15 city and 23 highway.
Mine is always getting 50 mpg but knowing my speedo is 5 mph faster then actual so I am thinking I am getting more like 46 47 mpg.

That may not be correct. I have checked my odometer vs google maps trips distance on 4 separate 150+ trips and found that my odometer is consistently within 1% of google maps. The speedometer seems off about 7% so clearly those two components do not share the same error margin in my case. I have a 2011 stock bike.
