Baltimore ravens baby


New Member
I'm obviously rooting for the Ravens. But I hope everyone has a good Super Bowl and everyone be safe! It's gonna be pretty wild here in Baltimore! :zombie:


New Member
go Giants go!!... err no wait


New Member
great game. my baby's momma did aight during halftime too


New Member
^ Awesome performance. Tho I think her thighs could crack a walnut. lol.


New Member
u mean beyonce. ehhh I was expecting better than that for some reason

i think she did a very good job shaking her ass around. it went by quick, they said 8 songs in 12 min. the only thing that let me down was it ended on a slow song, thought the usual open with a bang, then have something mushy in the middle and speed things up for a grand finale. she could've had another star like prince or someone come out. daddy jayz is prob right for staying off the same stage, he might get shown up by mommie bringing home the bacon

i'm also spreading the rumor that hackers did the power outage
