Stolen bike


New Member
My bike was stolen last night. My neighbor went looking around while I called the cops. My neighbor found it under a tarp, on its side 3 houses down. Cop took about 20 mins to finally get there and was a complete ass. The cop didn't give a damn about anything that happened. We walked over to the bike, he called in the plates to confirm it was registered to me. Took a few pictures, lifted it and I rode it back. I asked the cop what he needs for his report and he said "I've been getting it". His report was about 10 works, including my name and phone #. I knew the cops didn't care about this part of town but didn't know it was this bad.

I had called a week before about them stealing a TV that they set behind my neighbors house and I guess were going to come back to. Twice in a row I've called and NOTHING has been done. I figured with a 5000 500lb motorcycle they might try a little harder.

The cop wouldn't even knock on the door to ask questions. And worse, after identifying the bike the cop says I'm going to go get my camera. I said "what if someone comes out with a gun"? He says"well you can stand over here" as he pointed to the side of the house.
So yes, a police officer left me on the scene by myself.

Few parts bent and banged up. They managed to drop it on both sides. The bike was 100% flawless 12 hours ago.

If anyone has upgraded clutch handle, I'm looking for a straight one if you don't need it. Let me know.
Also, the foot break lever is bent. I doubt anyone has upgraded that but if so, I'd like to get your old one.

Bar ends are both scratched, so if you have some stockers laying around, I'm buying.

Clutch cover and left side engine casing are scratched up but most people don't have those laying around.

The graphics on the fairing are scratched up but nothing went though the clear coat of paint so I'm going to have to strip the decals.
@CC, where did you get your decals?

There is more damage but I have to focus on studying for my test this afternoon. That college degree is more important than the motorcycle. Just sucks that I worked so hard for it and it was like new before this crap happened.

My dad was furious about the way the officer handled everything and called the chief on duty. He was as big of a jackass as the officer that came to the scene. I'm here for the sule purpose of going to college. This town has gone to crap in the three years I've been here but my family bought the house so I have to stay for my last year. Not looking forward to it. Nothing will change if nothing is enforced. I see people get arrested occasionally but then I see them sitting on their front porch the next day. I love that our tax money pays for them to live in those houses.

So if anyone has some spare parts I may need, let me know. Thanks. You can PM on here or email me at [email protected]
My bike was stolen last night. My neighbor went looking around while I called the cops. My neighbor found it under a tarp, on its side 3 houses down. Cop took about 20 mins to finally get there and was a complete ass. The cop didn't give a damn about anything that happened. We walked over to the bike, he called in the plates to confirm it was registered to me. Took a few pictures, lifted it and I rode it back. I asked the cop what he needs for his report and he said "I've been getting it". His report was about 10 works, including my name and phone #. I knew the cops didn't care about this part of town but didn't know it was this bad.

I had called a week before about them stealing a TV that they set behind my neighbors house and I guess were going to come back to. Twice in a row I've called and NOTHING has been done. I figured with a 5000 500lb motorcycle they might try a little harder.

The cop wouldn't even knock on the door to ask questions. And worse, after identifying the bike the cop says I'm going to go get my camera. I said "what if someone comes out with a gun"? He says"well you can stand over here" as he pointed to the side of the house.
So yes, a police officer left me on the scene by myself.

Few parts bent and banged up. They managed to drop it on both sides. The bike was 100% flawless 12 hours ago.

If anyone has upgraded clutch handle, I'm looking for a straight one if you don't need it. Let me know.
Also, the foot break lever is bent. I doubt anyone has upgraded that but if so, I'd like to get your old one.

Bar ends are both scratched, so if you have some stockers laying around, I'm buying.

Clutch cover and left side engine casing are scratched up but most people don't have those laying around.

The graphics on the fairing are scratched up but nothing went though the clear coat of paint so I'm going to have to strip the decals.
@CC, where did you get your decals?

There is more damage but I have to focus on studying for my test this afternoon. That college degree is more important than the motorcycle. Just sucks that I worked so hard for it and it was like new before this crap happened.

My dad was furious about the way the officer handled everything and called the chief on duty. He was as big of a jackass as the officer that came to the scene. I'm here for the sule purpose of going to college. This town has gone to crap in the three years I've been here but my family bought the house so I have to stay for my last year. Not looking forward to it. Nothing will change if nothing is enforced. I see people get arrested occasionally but then I see them sitting on their front porch the next day. I love that our tax money pays for them to live in those houses.

So if anyone has some spare parts I may need, let me know. Thanks. You can PM on here or email me at [email protected]

How they rode bike away? You didn't lock the forks?
They pushed it away. The marks were in my yard and ended at the road next to me. They probably slid the tire over the wet dew.

And marthy, have a gun. Wish I would have heard them. Once I get the bike back to new, I'm taking it to my dad's garage and storing it until college is over. Also storing my TVs, guitars, and everything else that isn't necessary for college. Isn't worth the risk in this town.

If anyone has some parts, I'll pay shipping plus a few bucks depending on which part.
Also, If I can't find anyone with cheap stock bar ends, know of some aftermarket cheap bar ends? (bike is yellow).
I'm sure someone has a clutch lever they won't use so I'm going to put that off for a while.

Good to know it's not aluminum. I'll take it up north where I'm from and heat it up and straighten it out then. That is, unless someone has a spare they will let go for cheap.

I know there are some damn good cops. Where I am from, I love the cops. In my current town, the part I am in is forgotten about. Giant potholes in the street, sidewalks overran with trees and weeds, and parties every night with blaring music. Definitely not the place to be while trying to focus on nursing school.
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Depends on how many people tried to steal it. Could also be how they managed to drop it on both sides. Run away rolling around in circles...sadly with a little brains a fork locked bike can still be stolen. :mad:

I know is sad and I hope never have a problem like that but would be f**king funny see 2 guys strolling bike in circles down the street.

hahahahah LMAO. :rof:
It almost makes you think you would have been better off to have retrieved the bike and said nothing to the cops, put something under the tarp to look like the bike was still there and waited till someone came to retrieve the bike and busted them up real good. Easy to put a cheapo noise maker connected to the tarp and object with a string to pull a pin. They so when they lift the tarp you hear it and come to see who the thief is. Like this.
U.S. Patrol JB5533 Watchdog Door Knob Alarm

When the justice system fails to protect, then justice will be metted out in the streets. This is how it has always worked...if the authorities don't want vigilantism then they need to at least attempt to find and prosecute the criminals.

The Police could have knocked on the door of the house at least....Someone could have stolen the bike and stashed it there at that house for later so maybe the house owner/resident hasn't a clue about your bike or maybe not.
Failing to do any type of investigation is not protecting and serving the public. It almost seems that we are supposed to insure everything and the Police just take note of the stolen items and it's only a civil case to replace what was stolen. If that's the case, we don't need the Police......just insurance companies.
I got my decals custom made from a guy. He does amazing work let me know what you need and Ill make it happen for you. I also should have clutch and break handles unbent if you want them just pay shipping
You need to file a complaint with the officers information and you need to follow up asking for information when they do not contact you back. You should consider writing to the local papers or news stations. Its absolute crap they didnt even knock on the door to ask questions.
That Sucks...Sorry to Hear...Check out they are great for OEM Parts for any bike. Good Luck on the Repairs
Hey CC, send me an email and I'll reply with shipping info. I'll give you a few bucks over shipping for them.
I'm going to get rid of the decals and get some ideas of what I want. If you could email me the decal guy's number or business info, I'll contact him to get a quote.
I really appreciate it. Email is [email protected]

I talked to another neighbor and their house was broken into the night before Easter. Next to them, their car window was busted out recently. And these guys keep seeing cops coming and doing nothing so they have no reason to stop.

I like that disk lock with alarm. I'm going to look for one with a two-way remote that will wake me up when it goes off. I also ordered an IR camera, vid capture card, and AV wires for a cam recording set up. Just need to get a power source now.
You need to file a complaint with the officers information and you need to follow up asking for information when they do not contact you back. You should consider writing to the local papers or news stations. Its absolute crap they didnt even knock on the door to ask questions.

Our family is good friends with the chief of police in Jefferson County and we have a family member in internal affairs. We are talking to them to see how we should deal with the officers down here. If nothing happens soon with these people around me we will be filing with internal affairs and blow up the story in the media.
Hey CC, send me an email and I'll reply with shipping info. I'll give you a few bucks over shipping for them.
I'm going to get rid of the decals and get some ideas of what I want. If you could email me the decal guy's number or business info, I'll contact him to get a quote.
I really appreciate it. Email is [email protected]

I talked to another neighbor and their house was broken into the night before Easter. Next to them, their car window was busted out recently. And these guys keep seeing cops coming and doing nothing so they have no reason to stop.

I like that disk lock with alarm. I'm going to look for one with a two-way remote that will wake me up when it goes off. I also ordered an IR camera, vid capture card, and AV wires for a cam recording set up. Just need to get a power source now.

The reason I said let me know what you want is because if u go through him you pay retail. I do business with him through the car business so he has to sell to me for his cost which in turn I will give you that savings.

I am here:
Sent from Joshua's android dominating iPhone using Tapatalk
My 2 cents.

1st, really sucks! So sorry that happened. But PLEASE!... if something like that happened again, don't fight or kill for a bike. Get a good insurance instead and let it go. You can hurt yourself (or kill someone) and your life is priceless.

If you can afford, get satellite protection. But my advice, is try to get a good insurance converge so if that happens again, you can get some money back.

My 2 cents.

1st, really sucks! So sorry that happened. But PLEASE!... if something like that happened again, don't fight or kill for a bike. Get a good insurance instead and let it go. You can hurt yourself (or kill someone) and your life is priceless.

If you can afford, get satellite protection. But my advice, is try to get a good insurance converge so if that happens again, you can get some money back.

I jes loves to keep a lawyer on retainer 24/7 at $5,000.00 a month and have satellite security at another $5,000.00 a month and have armed security around my house and posessions at $100,000.00 a year.
Hell yea....I'm made of money. I buy a new bike every month anyway so who cares....?

If anyone wants my wallet, I give it up and if you want my kids and wife you kin have em....
I don't fight for what's mine, I jus pay lots o' money for insurance......Heck I wouldn't even stop a rapist killing my Mutha because I'm too chikin and my life is precious....

All jokes aside.....and the above was supposed to be satire..:rolleyes:

NO ONE said anything about killing anyone.....

Pepper spray works wonders, blinds the attacker and if trapped a follow up with a stun gun on a blinded attacker works real good....if ya have to.....

Having a trap set with an alarm so you can identify the prick may just save your life. If you know who the local speed freak is that is stealing stuff to support his drug habbit, you can avoid him....

The mentality of pay pay pay, lawyers etc and just let the thieves, muggers, rapists and killers have whatever they want makes me sick.....
