Getting "Hit On"

I get alot more looks when I'm on the bike. Its always a nice ego boost when someone can't stop staring as you ride by :) Maybe its just the skirt I wear though....j/k :p
Ok...this is for all you cool chicks out there who ride...just wondering if this happens to you very much...

This dude rides up on his loud, black Harley & is also waiting but he's talking on his phone so if he wants everyone around him to hear his conversation...which I don't.

OMG :rolleyes: yes ... mostly while riding.
I was riding along on my dual sport bike on a county highway minding my own business when 3 LOUD Harleys come up behind me, and get into formation with me. I didn't think too much of it, because I ride with other bikes all the time on the road when we just end up together there, and we'll ride together for a short stretch till someone turns off, but one of these guys gunned it, speeding up to be side by side, sharing my lane for quite a stretch, and I'm chuckling to myself thinking Wow, really?!? Whatever!!! Your bike is really loud, annoying, and I can lose you in a heartbeat.
Might very well have just wanted to get a better look at the bike, or whether I was a female rider? but I was wearing a jacket with purple inlay, and a pink neck warmer, so I think they most likely knew I was.
I peeled off at the last second on the next exit.
I totally understand. You did the right thing. Some of those harley guys can be real annoying sometimes. Keep riding so you get really good and show those guys how to do a real burn out!:D
Maybe it's the novelty.. are there that many FEWER women riders than men?
I never liked pink, but now I want a pink jacket. I want everyone (car drivers) to know I'm a girl when I'm riding. Maybe they'll behave better & cut me some slack.

Sometimes I wear pink, and sometimes I don't. If I do something stupid I don't want them saying hee hee, it's a girl and look she just did something stupid. I don't want to be judged by anyone simply because I am a lady.
If they actually do look, they can usually tell if you're a girl anyway. Most of us have a booty, waist, and boobs :D Most guys never miss the boobs even when we aren't wearing pink ;). The pink just makes it obvious without looking for other signs.
Sometimes I wear pink, and sometimes I don't. If I do something stupid I don't want them saying hee hee, it's a girl and look she just did something stupid. I don't want to be judged by anyone simply because I am a lady.
If they actually do look, they can usually tell if you're a girl anyway. Most of us have a booty, waist, and boobs :D Most guys never miss the boobs even when we aren't wearing pink ;). The pink just makes it obvious without looking for other signs.

ive seen some where you couldnt tell and pink would help....god help us all! :surrender: lol :justkidding::justkidding::justkidding:
ive seen some where you couldnt tell and pink would help....god help us all! :surrender: lol :justkidding::justkidding::justkidding:

Who's kidding??? I've seen guys I thought were girls too.
There are some that I was wondering where the seat on their bike was, cuz it dissappeared somewhere under there.
All in all I guess it doesn't matter... I just hope never to fit into that category:D.
I was riding last week and came up behind a beautiful woman riding a little Ninja 250r, blonde ponytail coming out of the back of her helmet and obviously takes good care of herself. Just enjoying riding behind her by happenstance, not following her. Then this jackass on a big cruiser splits lanes from behind us and starts hitting on her at the red light. Then the light turns green and he stalls it and I'm LMAO as I ride by. :p
all good, as long as you do not fall victim to target fixation. :thumbup:

I was riding last week and came up behind a beautiful woman riding a little Ninja 250r, blonde ponytail coming out of the back of her helmet and obviously takes good care of herself. Just enjoying riding behind her by happenstance, not following her. Then this jackass on a big cruiser splits lanes from behind us and starts hitting on her at the red light. Then the light turns green and he stalls it and I'm LMAO as I ride by. :p
Lately when my husband and I go riding it seems that cars race by him and then just pace me. That freaks me out! Or they just seem to cut him off. What is wrong with you:confused people!!!!!!!!!:confused:
I never bump into female riders.
Good looking, AND you ride a bike? :drool:
No, in all seriousness, I have found that being honest up front is always better than ignoring and giving the cold shoulder. Some guys may interpret that as "hard to get" rather than "get lost."

FTW. Seriously. Be blunt and up front. Don't have to be rude, but don't have to be friendly either. A simple "no thank you I'm not interested" in a stern voice should suffice. If that doesn't make it clear then go inside and tell someone.
I like the thought but stay defensive.......lots of knuckleheads out there. I recently was powder bombed. (The truck I was following thought it would be funny to throw some white powder out the window to dust me.)

This is why the top pocket of my jacket contains pennies and beat up nuts and bolts.... I simply get in front and chuck a few in the air... It gets the point across to not be a dick to other riders. It might be a bit of a dick move on my part to retaliate but I'm working on my anger issues.
I'd echo the "polite but firm" comment. Don't expect guys to take a hint by talking on the phone or whatever because they won't as some have experienced. Something like, "sorry, just got married and am taken" or "I'm late for my Dr's appointment to take care of these herpies". You don't owe strangers the truth. Try to use a line that will not invite a follow-up response.

If so inclined, forget the mace and carry a firearm - state carry laws permitting.
I personally carry my firearm every time I ride and I encourage all my women friends to carry when me or their men aren't around either. I've actually spent several weekends doing fire arms training with a few friends to help them get ready for their concealed carry classes and training. I'm a firm believer in carrying a gun at all times. It's saved my butt a few times over the years. Once while I was in Chicago on leave and another time in virginia while out for the night with my girl at that time and just recently when at a restaurant with some friends. I'm a disabled vet myself so I can't just run away from people, I have no choice but to stand my ground and use force when needed. luckily I've not had to shoot anyone outside of my time in the service but still, if it comes down to you are me, it's going to be me and not you....

The Motorcycle Industry Council reported (in 2003) that 10% of mc owners were women.
That's actually pretty cool, I wouldn't mind seeing a few more female riders around here. All too often it's just dudes and the sausage fest gets pretty old sometimes...

Bad firearm.

But seriously, be aggressive to take care of yourself. There are too many evil people out there, and I don't mind reminding people that some of us expect them to behave.
Yeah, I completely disagree on the firearms... It's not that you have to use it but it will allow you to defend yourself when ultimately needed. you don't just pull it out, it's there as a last resort.

Who's kidding??? I've seen guys I thought were girls too.
There are some that I was wondering where the seat on their bike was, cuz it dissappeared somewhere under there.
All in all I guess it doesn't matter... I just hope never to fit into that category:D.
The fat joke, not cool... I'm a big guy myself. I'm 6foot and 270, so yeah, don't be rude... I understand that not everyone is pretty but there is no need to say things about peoples weight. Not everyone is afforded the opportunities to be slim. Especially when some people have had their leg put back together 4 times.... You don't know the reason that person is big so you don't have the right to say stuff about them. If it's because they are lazy and don't try then okay but there are a lot of people out there that have medical conditions that make it lot harder for them to manage their weight.

FTW. Seriously. Be blunt and up front. Don't have to be rude, but don't have to be friendly either. A simple "no thank you I'm not interested" in a stern voice should suffice. If that doesn't make it clear then go inside and tell someone.
I agree with this, if you're not interested, say it.... If the dude doesn't take a hint then just walk off or make so much noise you get someones attention. Don't let them carry on, the more let them carry on the more they will be likely to escalate it to trying to touch you in some manner. Be straight from the start and you'll be far better off.
Creepy guys suck

I get hit on while riding my bike, when I have my bike at work (which is a local powersport shop), and most of the time though its them thinking its cool I have my own bike and ride. I don't get enough credit though on the phone, its gotten to a point where I don't have to transfer the phone to a mechanic sometimes but then its like they need reassurance that a girl may be not telling the truth. Occasionally I do get a douchebag or two. I do ignore them unless they say something stupid to me. I had one driving at night had his PA system on blaring his obnoxious music then I heard the music stop and he cat called me through the PA. The last time someone was pressing like that I just told him I was taken and turned around. He was a little persistant afterwards but I left shortly afterwards. I feel ya tho. I'm from San Diego and I know theres a lot creepier guys out there than here from what I've experienced so far lol
Actually, you *can* burn out, flip off, and leave most Harleys in the dust, on your Fizzer... (and that would definitely be a Kodak moment) ;-)

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I get hit on while riding my bike, when I have my bike at work (which is a local powersport shop), and most of the time though its them thinking its cool I have my own bike and ride. I don't get enough credit though on the phone, its gotten to a point where I don't have to transfer the phone to a mechanic sometimes but then its like they need reassurance that a girl may be not telling the truth. Occasionally I do get a douchebag or two. I do ignore them unless they say something stupid to me. I had one driving at night had his PA system on blaring his obnoxious music then I heard the music stop and he cat called me through the PA. The last time someone was pressing like that I just told him I was taken and turned around. He was a little persistant afterwards but I left shortly afterwards. I feel ya tho. I'm from San Diego and I know theres a lot creepier guys out there than here from what I've experienced so far lol

I live in san diego and you work at a power sports store which one can i has a discount :D haha jk

Most guys in sd are pricks im a big guy so i seem to intimidate most bike riders out here and they talk shit i couldn't imagine if i was a cute girl.

More power to you woman that have to deal with us men :D
Sounds like you need a CWP ( concealed weapons permit )

Turns out riding with a full size 1911 / XD doesn't work so well.
However given the circumstance my little Berretta Model 21 A does just fine. .

A ruger LC9 would probably do just as good.
