Wind Noise / Headaches


New Member
So last week the weather was nice, so I was able to commute on the bike for 4 days straight. The problem is that after the 3rd day or so, I started having a low-grade headache that lasted a few days which I fully believe is due to the wind noise I'm hearing in my helmet. Because the heat had been topping out close to 100 degrees I've been cracking the visor up an inch to get more airflow. This of course makes the wind noise go up drastically.

Has anyone else felt any ill effects from continued wind noise?

This week I tried riding with earplugs, and at first felt a bit disoriented, so I imagine it will just take time getting used to it.

I must admit my helmet ain't the best (Z1R Trance). Perhaps if I had a helmet with much better airflow I could keep the visor down to keep the wind noise down, then I wouldn't need ear plugs. My commute is only 20 minutes, so it's not like I'm being submitted to long periods of it.

Can anyone suggest another helmet that is relatively quiet but has awesome ventilation when fully closed?


New Member
So last week the weather was nice, so I was able to commute on the bike for 4 days straight. The problem is that after the 3rd day or so, I started having a low-grade headache that lasted a few days which I fully believe is due to the wind noise I'm hearing in my helmet. Because the heat had been topping out close to 100 degrees I've been cracking the visor up an inch to get more airflow. This of course makes the wind noise go up drastically.

Has anyone else felt any ill effects from continued wind noise?

This week I tried riding with earplugs, and at first felt a bit disoriented, so I imagine it will just take time getting used to it.

I must admit my helmet ain't the best (Z1R Trance). Perhaps if I had a helmet with much better airflow I could keep the visor down to keep the wind noise down, then I wouldn't need ear plugs. My commute is only 20 minutes, so it's not like I'm being submitted to long periods of it.

Can anyone suggest another helmet that is relatively quiet but has awesome ventilation when fully closed?

I have the HJC FS-15. Granted, its a little expensive at around ~$230 but I really like it and so far, its kept me nice and cool. Its even more cool now that I've cut my hair. (I had a pony tail that was below the top of my shoulders. The longest part of my hair is now ~3 inches :p )

Oh yeah, there is a thread on helmets. You should go check it out. :)
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New Member
I used to get mean earaches when I used to ride my bicycle to school. The cold, wet weather wasn't good for me, I guess. I haven't had any problems because of noise, however.

You could try a new helmet to see if the noise is reduced. I think CycleGear allows for returns if what you order isn't right for you, so you could try some out. Or try an ear cover that doesn't go in your ear. The in your ear type messes with equilibrium, as you've seen. Not sure about the laws about radios/mp3 players in your area, but you could try that too. I find that the music drowns out the wind, but not the traffic noise.


New Member
No problems with headaches, not even when I rode cruisers with straight pipes and no helmet. Oh, and I still have a ponytail lol.


New Member
I've learned to tune out the air noise for the most part but every now and then i notice it substantially.


New Member
I would tryout some different helmets 1st and see if that is it before going all out on one. If that does not do it maybe it is something else. I have not had a problem. I have a Fulmer M-1 with full face I paid $130 with a discount I'm not sure what the original retail was on it. But I like it. there are alot of good helmets out there though. Just depends on what you like.


Staff member
On the short commutes, it doesn't bother me. But on long highway trips, the wind/road noise sucks. I just wear earplugs. After a few minutes, I adjusted to the "funny" feeling and everything was fine after that. I could ride more than 100 miles with them in. :thumbup:

I have a Scorpion EXO700 and really like it. It does a pretty good job of ventilating while reducing a lot of the wind noise. Granted, you will have some noise from all helmets.


New Member
So last week the weather was nice, so I was able to commute on the bike for 4 days straight. The problem is that after the 3rd day or so, I started having a low-grade headache that lasted a few days which I fully believe is due to the wind noise I'm hearing in my helmet. Because the heat had been topping out close to 100 degrees I've been cracking the visor up an inch to get more airflow. This of course makes the wind noise go up drastically.

Has anyone else felt any ill effects from continued wind noise?

This week I tried riding with earplugs, and at first felt a bit disoriented, so I imagine it will just take time getting used to it.

I must admit my helmet ain't the best (Z1R Trance). Perhaps if I had a helmet with much better airflow I could keep the visor down to keep the wind noise down, then I wouldn't need ear plugs. My commute is only 20 minutes, so it's not like I'm being submitted to long periods of it.

Can anyone suggest another helmet that is relatively quiet but has awesome ventilation when fully closed?

When I went to the annual motorcycle show here I had a nice talk with one of the helmet reps. The advice he gave was to get the right fit and the best model I could afford because the best of the R&D dept. is put in those helmets. Webbike World and some others rate helmets for fit, noise, etc. and this is a good start. Then I look for the best 1 or 2 year old helmet that is still new and at clearance $. If I were looking now I'd list the best rated helmets of 2008 and shop. (I bought my shark RSX for $175 on closeout.)
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New Member
On the short commutes, it doesn't bother me. But on long highway trips, the wind/road noise sucks. I just wear earplugs. After a few minutes, I adjusted to the "funny" feeling and everything was fine after that. I could ride more than 100 miles with them in. :thumbup:

I have a Scorpion EXO700 and really like it. It does a pretty good job of ventilating while reducing a lot of the wind noise. Granted, you will have some noise from all helmets.

+1... I was hesitant to try ear plugs... but they work so well. They eliminate all the unwanted noise (including the ticking from my motor! :rolleyes:). Makes all my riding much more pleasant. :thumbup:

At least try it, for 50 cents... will help much more than a new helmet.



New Member
I ride with earplugs as well and it really helps with the wind noise. You can use the cheap ones and they seem to work quite well but another option is to go to a audio/hearing clinic and have them custom make motorcycle earplugs specifically for your ears. They are more expensive but your hearing is worth it.


New Member
Howard Leight Earplugs, etc.

There are many types of earplugs with varying noise reduction ratings (NRR) and comfort levels. I use the Howard Leight Max single use earplug. They say they are the highest NRR for a single-use earplug at 33 (the higher the better). I find them very comfortable.

I have a Shoei TZ-R helmet that has fairly good airflow but during the Summer when I am stopped, I have to open the face shield to get some air.

Even with the earplugs I here some wind noise. If you could block out all noise, that would probably not be the safest way to ride.

Check out the Howard Leight site. They provide a ton of information on all types of hearing protection and products (Howard Leight | Hearing Protection and Hearing Conservation | The right fit for every user, every environment).

One more thought, your headaches could be a result of something else beside the noise like helmet fit or even allergies... Just a thought.


New Member
Might be thinking in the wrong direction - are you certain you helmet is the right size? I had the same problem with a hockey helmet of mine - put it on in the store and it's nice and snug, feels good. 20-25 minutes later I was getting quite the headache from the pressure.

Why don't you try a cheap pair of disposable ear plugs and see if it fixes your problem - if they don't, chances are your bucket is too small.



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My longest trip is about an hour and a half. And I pulled over 3, 4 times to check for directions etc.

Didn't have a headache but my bum was sore. If you're on a long journey try singing, it helps relax. Especially if there's nothing around you.


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Dehydration is also what causes hangovers... So, it's a definite factor. I have a camelback for mt biking, tho I've never thought of using it while riding...

It sounds like a great idea tho...


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