Yinzer from suburban Pittsburgh


New Member
How are yinz guys (and gals) doing?

New member from western Pennsylvania here. I've had my white 2013 FZ6R for about 6 weeks now and it's awesome! This is my second bike as I sold my CBR250 that I had/learned on for about a year. I'm not really into the cruiser style, but wasn't after a full-on sportbike either and this seemed to fit the bill. I'm very pleased with my purchase thusfar... and apparently so is the Pennsylvania wildlife as shortly after my purchase, I had a deer jump into the middle of the road right in front of me. I managed to swerve to avoid it, but still clipped it going by causing some damage to the left side. Thankfully, I am fine and was able to fix/replace 95% of the damage. :D

As for mods, they've been pretty simple to this point: zero gravity tinted windscreen, keiti tank pad, and shogun frame sliders. Probably won't do anything else until winter, but may consider an HID kit or a brighter bulb at the very least for now as nighttime visibility is terrible with the stock light.

I'm hoping there are some other people from western PA on here as I've been lone-wolfing it on my bike the entire time. Of the 3 motorcycle-licensed friends I have, 2 sold their bikes about the same time I bought mine and the third needed to divert the money saved to unexpected expenses.

Looking forward to talking with some of you and digging into what appears to be a wealth of information on this site!

Happy riding!



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I know exactly where IUP is. Party school USA lol.

I grew up in the New Castle area very close to the Ohio line and currently live in the Allison Park area. My family moved around quite a bit so I'm pretty familiar with the area between Pittsburgh and Boardman, OH.

I've searched briefly online, but didn't find too much. I'll have to keep looking.

Very nice bike you have there, by the way.

Welcome! .

Like Rabbitman, I'm not extremely close, but by no means far. I'm originally from Bedford area, spent a lot of time in Pittsburgh, and now live in Harrisburg area. Used to live in Mount Washington and was up to New Castle for the Jeep festival when I was there.
Welcome to the site. While you aren't extremely close to me, you're not far. One of these days, we will have to plan a meetup of local guys. There are a lot of guys within a few hours of each other. Anyway, glad you're enjoying the bike. It really is great.

One comment on your mod plans. I urge you to look into a projector retrofit if you want a brighter headlight. Putting an HID bulb kit into a reflector that is designed for Halogen light bulbs isn't recommended, as it will not properly focus the light, and blind oncoming motorists. I have done lots of retrofits for members on the site. I can also get you the parts if you are interested in doing it yourself.

Details here: http://www.600cc.org/forum/f34/affordable-hid-retrofitting-services-26822/

Thanks for the info! In what little research I've done thusfar (I'm letting the funds build back up first) I have seen the projector retrofits mentioned. As I look into it more, I will definitely let you know if I have questions about parts or installation.
Congrats on the new ride and welcome to the forum.

Glad to hear that your kissing encounter with the dear came out ok for the most part.

The one mod I would highly recommend doing now is the HID Projector light. As you said, it will improve your vision and thus make your riding in the dark that much safer and enjoyable being less stressful. The projector will give you a solid beam of light vs just throwing it out there. You can do it yourself as it is not too difficult or check out Rabbitman if you dont feel comfortable doing it yourself. Next to frame sliders, I would say this is the most valuable mod that anyone can do. Prior to me doing mine I would NOT ride if I would be out in the dark for the way home as vision was just horrid. One I did it, now I actually enjoy riding at night. Still scared of the critters but I try to be hyper alert and NEVER go even 1 mph over the limit in the dark, and I prefer to have a car in front of me also then throwing even more light.

I hear you there! I still ride some at night, but try to keep it contained to roads I know. There are many wooded areas where I live so I try to keep the speed in check as well (especially after my close encounter).

The HID lights will probably be the next thing done, once I start researching it more and once the funds go back up some. There looks like there a good deal of info on here that I will definitely check out!
You're not far from me, around 45 minutes away.

We have Johnstown, Middleton, Chambersburg, and Pittsburgh here... I definitely think we could get something going to meet in the middle. There's gotta be some decent roads out there in the mountains...

Like Rabbitman, I'm not extremely close, but by no means far. I'm originally from Bedford area, spent a lot of time in Pittsburgh, and now live in Harrisburg area. Used to live in Mount Washington and was up to New Castle for the Jeep festival when I was there.

I lived on Mt Washington for a few years when I was in school... good times. New Castle I can do without, lol.

There seems to be at least a handful of PA people here. We should try and get something going.
Looks like pony started a new thread about riders near Johnstown. I'm all for helping to get something together. We can continue discussing there.
There is a lot of great riding between me and Breezewood. I have been exploring it every once and a while when I have free time. Best thing to do is schedule something. I have a Facebook group that I started for local riders. Feel free to join. I need to be a little more active, but it has just been so hot. A few of us have had some decent ideas. Here is a link to the group:


Thanks for the group invite... I put in a request to join. (The name's Dustin, btw) Any upcoming plans for a ride/meet and greet?
I'm originally from Hopewell but moved to Columbiana,OH near Boardman. I'm always looking for people to ride with.

I'm originally from Hopewell but moved to Columbiana,OH near Boardman. I'm always looking for people to ride with.

I know exactly where that is. My family lived right across the state line in PA for awhile and I had a job in Salem at one point 10 or so years ago and passed through Columbiana on 14 to get there. Maybe we can meet up in the middle at some point.
