Wrath of the Lich King



So the World of Warcraft expansion Wrath of the Lich King is now out. How many of you actually play the game and are planning on upgrading? Me? I'm probably more geeky than I should be. I'm currently installing it and plan on having "major stomach issues" tomorrow so I don't have to go to work.


I like WoW but never got into enough to justify paying monthly for it. Then I discovered Guild Wars which is basically a free WoW. That's what I used to play but now I don't have much time.
My daughter is going to pick up hers later today. It's all I've heard about for weeks, we have had a tough time lately and my poor college kid is living on my friend's couch but said all she wants as a combo birthday/Christmas gift is Wrath of the Lich King so she is going after class this morning to get her copy. She's already worn out a keyboard by playing so I bought her a gaming keyboard while I was in FL. I've watched her play but my old brain couldn't manage it to play. I barely handled PACMAN.....lol
Oh god no.... ive been clean for 6 month and i inteded to stay that way... DK or not :(

PS: temptation is killing me....
I didn't like WOW after the first expansion and after leveling my two main characters to 70 I gave it up. For me all the fun was getting to 60 and then playing with a whole bunch of people I knew. The expansion killed that experience IMO. I was excited about Warhammer Online (mainly for the PVP and hit detection aspects (can't run through characters so you can actually form a wall of tanks) but after buying the collectors addition they put out the system specs and my PC cant run it and I don't have the money to upgrade.

Oh well its my xbox360 for now.
Oh god no.... ive been clean for 6 month and i inteded to stay that way... DK or not :(

Death Knight? What on earth is a Death Kni...

Wait. Oohhhh! You mean this? :D


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I quit WoW after 2 years, too much time spent raiding, a romantic affair with a girl in Toronto which ended pretty anticlimactically and then finally getting left behind the first few weeks of the expansion.

I started over on a new server and leveled 5 characters to 40 and 2 to 70, did some Kara and some pvp and quit when Warhammer came out. Then I quit WAR after a month... I'm finally free! :Flip:
I primarily play on Alleria.

As for doing raids and instances: I'm a lone wolf in the game. An independent, if you will. I cannot stand rudeness, whining, and overall stupidity when working with other players within a group. And that's just me... LOL! :D

Ever since I got my fz6 i was clean.....ya i bought the expansion on my lunch break... :(
I'm in the garage too much tinkering with the bikes to play this kind of stuff. :Flash:
My temptation won me over..... almost 6 month of wow free..... i have bought wotlk and got my dk @ 70 :(
i cant say am proud, my final exam period is coming up and i cant **** it up... but also i cant stop playing !!!!
I'm a long time gamer. It's my field of study video game programming and design so go figure I play games. I played U.O. for about 6 years. Quit and me and some friends started our own public server and ran that for about 2yrs. I played EQ for over 7 years.. looking back it was very painful hah. Dropped EQ for WoW.

I've been playing WoW since Alpha, all through beta, closed and open. I started on Alleria with some old EQ friends that eventually moved on. I now play on Dark Iron A Druid on the Alliance side for the most part. I have 70 shm, rogue, pally as well. I'm really pleased with WoTLK so far. Burning Crusade.. meh it was ok I guess.

Yes I'm a nerd, but chances are, you work for a nerd.

When it comes to WoW I just say NO. I've seen how it can consume one's life. My good friend's roommate purchase the expansion last Wednesday at the midnight release. Went home and started playing with a case of Red Bull, didnt stop playing until he reached Level 80 on Friday night. He called in to work Th. and Fri. and did not go to sleep. I guess there was some sort of achievement for being the first on the server to reach 80...crazy.

I'll stick to Gears 2 for now!
