Woke up to the sounds of paramedics

Good to know you made it out of the whole thing mostly okay. Crazy dude. I've broken so many of my toes it's nuts, what a lousy part to break! You end up having to walk funny for a couple months until it heals up.

Good luck with everything else. I hope this lady severely compensates you for your troubles. I know she's old and all but still, it's not a legit excuse.
Rereading your post, and just curious: Did you do a head-check?

Good question. Yes, I always do a head-check, but in this situation, according to reports, I was along side of the car when she made contact with me. I had not yet cleared her car. And if anyone is curious about lane position, I honestly have no memory, but out of riding habits, I tend to move to the center of lanes when passing. Giving myself room for traffic on both sides.
Glad to hear you're OK. Back in my hockey days, I had my legs swept out from underneath me, slammed my head and blacked-out. I came to with my equipment on my shoulder and I was asking everyone why I am not on the ice. All I remember is the slapshot I almost scored on a few shifts prior to that one...Good luck with your recovery and get well soon!
I'm so very sorry to hear such a scary and sad story!! Glad the outcome was much better than it could have been.

I'm happy to hear that you are up and around and getting better each day. Stay positive!! All my best to you!
Update on me: I'm on the mend and will see the doc today to discuss the X-rays taken on Friday (toe, hip, and shoulder). Scheduled for an MRI on the shoulder on Friday. I just want to get back to work. Can't stand sitting around healing.

Update on the 6R: Got a call on Saturday from one of the insurance adjusters. The 6R is a total loss. Broken fork assembly, bent frame, and countless other injuries.
Holy S***... Glad you're in ok condition minus the headaches and soreness. I just got into an accident yesterday but nothing compared to this :/

Ride safe out there everyone. Especially now that summer is over. Cagers think there are no more bikes to watch out for -_-
Latest news. Broken clavicle and broken toe. I will heal, just going to take longer than I was thinking. Went to San Jose Yamaha today to gather a few things from under the seat cowl. Said goodbye to the 6R. She is now property of the insurance company. Still waiting for the police report to come out. Still don't have any memory of the crash, maybe its better that way. Should be able to return to work soon, just won't be able to do 100% for a while.
Well here is the latest. Bone is healing without surgery and almost full range of motion at this point. Hired a lawyer to deal with the multiple insurance companies. Word to the wise, have $100,000 to $300,000 coverage for under insured motorists on your bikes and cars. I do and I'm grateful. The first picture is a pic of the clavicle two days after the accident, the second pic is as of Nov 20th. On my way to a full recovery.


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Yeah. The insurance co took it right away. It didn't take them long to total it out and take it away. I think they move fast so we don't have time to think. Had I taken the time to think about it I would have taken some things off of it to give to riders on this forum.
Glad to hear you're healing up well...

Sage advice re: under-insured motorist coverage...
So are as crooked as people say then... literally. lol.
Dang man that really sucks. I hope you're doing better! Thanks for sharing your story. Its def a wake up call that things can happen even if you're doing everything right
