Who's a lone wolf and who's a social butterfly?

How many people do you like to ride with?

  • Solo

    Votes: 59 53.2%
  • One or two simpatico buddies

    Votes: 46 41.4%
  • A small group of three to six others

    Votes: 14 12.6%
  • The more the merrier

    Votes: 12 10.8%

  • Total voters
I mostly ride by myself, but I also enjoy riding with one or two other guys, especially if they are at my level. Not big on rides where I have to deal with a lot of different personalities and agendas.

I also really appreciate the opportunity to ride with guys who are better than me and willing to share tips, like when I was out with Jon recently. :steve:
well i dont have much choice when i ride i have two friends that i have known since high school and both of them are squids. they both ride gxrs too so its kind of annoying riding with them so most of my riding is alone and usually at night for some reason
Most of my solo rides are in areas where I wouldn't be waiting for long before fellow riders came by as popular as these roads are. Even on Sunday I had a number of people stop to make sure I was OK since I was out there 2 hours waiting for my Dad. I just happened to break down in the most isolated area with pretty much no chance of cell service. Now had this been a night ride or even something in the middle of the week, I could have been out there for hours before another rider or car would come by.

Most of my solo rides fit the same criteria - they are really popular twisty roads. If you stop along side the road for any reason, not 5 minutes goes by without a least a couple of other riders asking if everything is allright.

However, for my wife's sanity, I have been thinking about getting a SPOT :)

I typically ride alone, or with one or two people who I've ridden with before. I've seem too many crashes in big groups. If I do ride in a large group I ride sweeper.

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I ride solo 99.9% of the time, but I do enjoy taking ONE, no more then ONE other rider with me, adds a bit of competition to the ride.
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I'm not a lone wolf in all things, but I like to ride, run, and work out alone. I think it's because I don't like being limited to what I can do because of others.

I also don't like being behind another car, on a bike or in a car, even if they're travelling at the same speed I am. Something about being the leader.
I ride solo. I have enough stress on my day to day routine and riding alone helps me relax. I cruise when I want to cruise:cool: and I speed when I want to speed:D.
I generally ride with my dad and grandpa lately. I will go on a few group rides with about 5-6 people though.
I used to ride solo A LOT but lately Ive bin riding with a group but a mojority are faster then me and like to push it. So its bin fun riding with them more then just a group taking corners easy and stopping every where. This group is all about knee dragging and riding at a spirited pace which is what i like to do alone.

so just depends who I'm with.

Definitely don't like large group rides though, just to much drama and egos.
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Solo, most all the time because of where I live (Florida Keys), but occasionally I'll hook-up with another rider who happens to be going the same direction when I'm on a cross-country. Same issues as others: riders who want to be out front all of the time and interpret any attempt to catch-up as a signal to speed-up, riders who want to ride next to me or pass me in the same lane, and squids without gear.
I ride a ton of back roads, I change my plans at a wim, I do however have a nice ace up my sleeve. I love getting "lost" and just go in a general direction for days then figure out how to get where I am headed when I get there. IF I can't get my arse out of what ever I got it into..... whip out my sat. phone, call and get the help. No getting lost technically but I only call my wife twice a day when I am out on the road. Lunchish, to let her know I didn't die yet so put the insurance policies back in the dam safe and lock it, lol!! then at night to let her know where I ended my day and an aproximate of where I should end up the next day.

prefer alone to just go down this road or that, whatever whim hits me. Have done bunch of group rides and charity events in the past but too stressfull making sure at right distance, on my line (left or right in staggered formation). Just really isn't any fun all that thinking LOL.
