What Not To Wear (while riding)

Another view showing the incredible form

Is he wearing a basketball shooting sleeve?

I wonder if these squids even buy pictures, to show off their coolness...
He's got 2 babes to choose from, he calls it Well Drilling.
Like the older one is saying, "2", there's 2 of us hot chicks on scooters, so I've got a 50% chance of getting lucky.

Saw a handful of them out today and here's some pics of some that were out there.

Helmet hawk and and extra helmet. I guess he's hoping to pick up a chick out in the canyons. :jerk:


They're doing it wrong, its the other knee that's meant to stick out.
That knee is supposed to be hugging close to the tank.
Is he wearing a basketball shooting sleeve?

I wonder if these squids even buy pictures, to show off their coolness...
I just don't see the point in a thread like this. Blasting on people for riding in what they choose to ride in. It's their lives, not yours.

If I want to be comfortable on a 95+ degree day by wearing a t-shirt then that's my choice. I accept the risk involved and it's my risk to take. I'm not putting on full leathers for a 10 minute ride across town to get some pizza.

But, if it makes you feel special. That's cool. Everyone has the right to point and laugh. Just don't take it the wrong way when the pointing is directed towards you.
I pretty much try to wear gear but if I'm staying in town and it 100+ out the jacket stays off.

Sent using Jedi mind tricks!
I'm not really a fan of a lot of forum members that use smartass remarks and put down other members.I personally don't have any armour for the legs but if I am riding this particular road, it would be wise to gear up. Some of the guys with the low leans are needing to invest in full protection. At the end of the day, your choice, your life and I do not have the time to worry about your safety.
I hear ya. I still wear the Kevlar jeans and I'm looking into a Stryker vest for hot weather in town riding. It was 106 today and the jacket went on for the 30 min ride to the next town. So I see the point of threads like this.

Sent using Jedi mind tricks!
Haha, squid season! I must admit I'm a total noob to the bike world but it's just common sense. If you ride there's a 50% chance you're gonna crash or get hit by a distracted driver. I came across a thread like this on another forum and so many guys get all heated about the subject. The choice is simple. If you don't like it don't read it! Also, some of us actually care about the high cost of insurance. It's also because of jackass*s who are true "squids", you know the idiots that do burn-outs, wheelies and cut people off on the streets that we are frowned upon for simply being on two wheels. If you want to be a bad*ss then go to the track! Yeah it's your life, but you too can cause someone's death by causing vehicles to spin out of control trying to avoid your bonehead tricks on the road. But then again, the matter is subjective. I understand there are guys that simply can't afford the gear. I sympathize with those. Ride safe out there!
The "can't afford all the gear" line is a cop out IMO. Unless the bike is your sole mode of transportation, then it is a luxury item, and if you can't afford the gear, you shouldn't be buying a bike in the first place. If it is your only mode of transportation, then you're saving so much money on gas, buying entry level gear should be easy. :D

Agreed! I was just trying to give 'em a break but damn, they get all defensive! Just today I was cruising the coast, wearing all my gear of course waiting behind a car for the green light and here come these two bikes zooming right past me and revving like idiots, splitting the lane in the narrowest of spaces and both riders were wearing swim trunks, tennis shoes (no socks) and one of them had a girl on the back wearing the tiniest shorts. All 3 of them exposing most of their skin. I know we're in sunny San Diego but wow, use common sense. By the way, most of these guys are major showboaters and justifiably earned their title of "squids!"
I think the argument comes from personal choice. I might think that Kevlar jeans, gloves, helmet and a Stryker vest is fine for around town riding. Granted you could spit from one side of my town to the other. Then there are people that think full leathers all the time are the way to go. Even new riders know the risks of just being on a bike let alone not wearing the right gear for the situation.

Sent using Jedi mind tricks!
I think the argument comes from personal choice. I might think that Kevlar jeans, gloves, helmet and a Stryker vest is fine for around town riding. Granted you could spit from one side of my town to the other. Then there are people that think full leathers all the time are the way to go. Even new riders know the risks of just being on a bike let alone not wearing the right gear for the situation.

Sent using Jedi mind tricks!

Yeah, full leathers this time of year will just dehydrate you faster than you make it back from your ride around town. I wear a mesh jacket this time of year with thorax and spine protection in addition to the standard elbow and shoulder protection. I probably should get some knee protection to wear under my jeans. But you're right it's a personal choice. I really don't care about anyone else's gear. My issue is when rider's like the above mentioned make us all look bad, fully-geared or no gear.
The point of this thread has been made on many occasions. Jon and many of us other seasoned riders want all the new members to know that gear is important... all the time... and especially on those roads.

If it weren't for the graphic nature of the "after" photos, we would have a "what to wear if you want to have months of skin grafts like these".

If this were a gun forum, we'd have the "How to not hold your gun" thread... and it would be filled with pics of guys holding their gun with their finger on the trigger... or holding their gun pointed at someone...

It's not about laughing at others, it's about educating new riders. Do you need a one piece leather suit with pucks to go across town? probably not.... but should you go in shorts and a tee? definately not.... too hot? take a car with ac, or wear vented gear...

Yeah its the language used. This is a good way to explain instead of flaming and using vulger and unnecessary terms.
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This is a glorious thread. lol Keep em' coming if you don't mind!

This is just dumb. Really???

Pretty sure this guy has a buddy with a matching White 675R who wiped out last weekend too (8 days ago) . Probably from doing something stupid like this.
