What Not To Wear (while riding)

The guy in the icon hoodie may have built in CE armour, Icon has a few and so does S&S gear!

Secondly..that color on the very last bike is HOMO
The hoodie may have armor, but when skidding and tumbling down the road will the armor stay on his elbows or get jammed up into his armpits? Seems like something I'd want to know before, not after, a highside.
people not wearing knee guards shouldn't be riding so aggressively... but, they like playing russian roulette i guess. yesterday i saw 2 pairs of riders- 2 guys 2 girls- up there with just jeans t-shirts short sleeves. nutso soprano.
This is definitely one of the best threads on this forum. Thanks Jon!
Well I went out a got a jacket... and I love it, I wear it everywhere and am already starting to feel 'naked' without it... Question... How should I protect my legs? I can wear pants over my uniform but I'd have to take them off when I got to work and I feel kinda weird doing that lol... Armor underneath, could I wear it all day or would it just bother me too much?
Wearing armor under your pants all day would probably bug you. It would me. I use overpants with armor in them. When I first started doing that, I did feel weird, especially since I work with a bunch of women for the most part and I was new there. So I would head into the bathroom and take them off. But now that I'm more comfortable with everyone, I have no problem pulling my overpants off right there in the office. lol. It's not like you're getting naked. They zip up the sides so it's nice and easy. It was kind of funny when our Department Administrator (My bosses, bosses, boss) walked in as I was unzipping one day. The look on her face was priceless. :eek: Now for weekend riding where you don't need to worry about wearing work clothes or a uniform, I'd always suggest leathers. 2 piece are much more practical for street riding as long as the jacket and pants zip together.

Alright I'll look into some overpants... sounds fun =] Thank you for the advice!!
I've seen it more and more lately now that summer is here. Guys have nice Leather Jackets, Helmets, some even have Boots, yet they don't have GLOVES! WTF... I feel so naked without gloves. Can someone please explain to me WHY... WHY WHY WHY... I want to roll down my window sometimes and just ask.
Anyone know what the motorcycle police uniforms are made out of? It does not look like he is geared up to good. Would be interested in knowing if their pants are sort of like three kevlar jeans?
The guy dragging his hand is a moron. That's the type of guy I just want to slap upside the head and walk away.

I'd also like to add that those spine protectors are HUGE here in CO. We were out riding the other day and about 50 guys on crotch rockets mobbed past us like a bunch of A** Holes all in shorts, no shirts - but the oh so famous spine protectors, shoes with no socks and sunglasses, riding like a bunch of beginner toolbags. My fiancee told me later that he has never in 44 years seen that many douchebags in one place. It was BAD! I backed way off as that was a wreck just waiting to happen. None of them, it seemed, knew how to ride... correctly. That was a time I needed to be in a car with my camera.
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Don't know what it is about Virginia, maybe the heat and humidioty, but I almost never see anyone in gear. All squids, all the time. I mean never. I must look like a total goober in head to toe leather and race boots. Don't care, either.

Come on out to Arizona during the summer. It's amazing people feel comfortable riding like that.
