What do you do with your gear?


Elite Member
i went out with a buddy on saturday and had my race suit on (since he hadn't seen it). we stopped for lunch and i just kept it on. it made eating a little harder, but not by much :D
All my gear goes in the store with me. It doesn't bother me, I either carry my helmet or it rides along in the shopping cart.

I recently had a "Formal appoitment" to attend, and I brought along a sturdy bike lock and locked my gear+helmet to my handlebars. Wasn't the most practical, but at the time it worked.
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citrus i use to have to bike lock the front tire to the car carrells at Lowes because my scoot was so light anyone could just take the whole bike! XD
Thats amazing hehe, I just ran it through both arms of my jacket, and through the opening in my helmet. Worked suprisingly well
All the gear goes with me - even though I probably look weird with my high viz jacket and helmet, armored over pants and full A-Stars boots. I read in the manual there is a small cable in the tool kit that works with the rear seat as a helmet lock. Pulled it out but haven't used it yet.
I take my gear with me, to much money invested for me to take the chance of getting jacked.
I take everything in with me. However if i'm going out riding to go to a store, I don't wear my riding pants, I just throw my Knox knee guards on under some jeans. I just leave my jacket on, put my gloves in my helmet, and carry my helmet. I never leave anything on my bike, not even in a helmet lock.

When you spend nearly 1100 dollars on gear it's not worth it to leave outside where you can't see it.
This might be a silly question, but I'm hoping the years of practice from you guys will give me an idea.

This is really for the ATGATT guys. I'm with you. I like my skin where it is, and don't feel the need to decorate the pavement with it. Besides... it's COLD out there!

With that said, what do you do with your gear when you're out and go into a store? If you ride up to a store on your bike, do you wear your over pants and jacket in the store, or do you take them off and stuff them in a bag or leave them on a bike?

I just heard from a guy in our riding group that said he left his jacket on his bike, went in a store and came out a few minutes later only to find it gone. Yeah... I don't see myself leaving a $300+ jacket as an easy target either.

Thoughts? Comments?

BAGS, BAGS BAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unless you are taking your bike to the track, get some quality bags...go for hard shell if you can afford it. Shove everything in the bags and lock them up!
Get a tail box (46 litre or more) that can fit a helmet and a summer jacket. Larger jacket you will need to carry, but nothing else so big deal.
In fact...buy all of Heineken's bags....and his center stand!
You will be happy you did as I am sure you will be paying a great discount from buying new!!

BAGS, BAGS BAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get a tail box (46 litre or more) that can fit a helmet and a summer jacket. Larger jacket you will need to carry, but nothing else so big deal.

Agreed! If you're more comfortable with wearing the jacket and leaving the overpants, that'll work too. Throw on some side cases and you can leave everything and slip into some other shoes! Depends on where you normally take the bike and how much you care about your gear.

My wife and I can get all of our gear into my Givi hardcases if needed.
I have my wife follow me in the car and I throw everything in the trunk.

I'm kidding!!! I take it in. I don't like leaving anything on the bike that isn't permanently attached.
I usually keep everything but helmet on and take everything inside. The helmet lock on the FZ6R is a pain to use so I never use it. Plus, helmets are expensive. Best to avoid the what-ifs if you ask me.

I did walk out of a grocery store without my helmet once since I had set it down while waiting in the deli line. Got to my bike and was like "wait, what's missing?" and then ran back into the store. Thankfully it hadn't walked away.

I prefer to run errands on the bike that don't require me to carry anything. Doctor's appointments, going out to eat, that sort of thing. If I need to carry stuff I try to limit it to a backpack. Bikes just don't look good with luggage.
Depends, Quicky in out, I wear it. ( not going to be there for hours)

other than that, I have v35 hard cases and a e460 trunk. I can fit a dead body in the bags and trunk.... have to disassemble it first..:zombie:
Bikes look great with bags...and clarifies who actually rides their bikes!

Just having fun....I like the way any bike looks...almost...and perhaps the bagless ride....when the weather permits
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