Warm Weather Road Rage


Premium Member


New Member
so cal

I live in socal so completely feel your pain. It is SOOOO amazing to me how important it is to people not to let you in front of them. Doesnt matter if your doing 80 or 5 on the highway, and it saves them no time either. It seems to me here in So cal the blinker no longer means I am getting over. It has been translated into "quick hurry up and cut that guy off before he can get over"

I NEVER speed up to not let someone in unless they were an asshole and had cut me or someone else off already. I wish other people would do the same.


Well-Known Member
Enjoy your drink, relax and get some sleep
it sounds like you deserve and need it.

Hope your next week isn't so crazy,
BTW congrats on surviving your first week of married life;)


New Member
First, congrats on the wedding... Best of luck.

As for road rage... I'm guilty as well -- but, usually only in the car.
However, take heart... there *are* a few choice responses...

Funniest Response to Road Rage - YouTube


It just doesn't pay anymore Spawn. We are out numbered by a#$holes out there. At least you know the difference. Hang in man, life will settle down. Good luck man!


Sport touring Member
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Brock Kickass

New Member
I had a guy get out of his truck and tell me he was going to pound me once. Wearing padding in all the key places with carbon fibre knuckles on my gloves and a helmet on my head, I didn't feel very vulnerable. I just laughed and told him to fire away.
Admittedly, it was the completely wrong response, and allowing it to get to that point in the first place was dangerous and stupid, but it was pretty funny watching his tiny brain trying to process the information that punching me in the face would hurt him a lot worse than me. Luckily he realized the futility of his threat and made the entire event completely underwhelming by quietly driving away. Afterward I realized that I really wasn't as clever as I thought, because if he did attack me I almost certainly would have dropped my bike. Not cool. As an old friend of mine said on the way in to a bar once, "keep your heads up, lots of assholes around..."


Mistah T
Elite Member


Could have been worse, Spawn, Could have been worse...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GFy9vOISe0]Road Rage in Brazil Car vs Motorcycle - YouTube[/ame]

Anyhow, this is exactly why I just keep my cool as much as possible, especially when I'm riding my bike. I'm already a very patient person in all other aspects of life so it comes natural I guess. Some bum cursed me out while me and my brother were out riding because I denied him to ride two up with me for a few blocks. I just said "ok" and kept on riding.

Pinarello Rider

New Member
I NEVER speed up to not let someone in unless they were an asshole and had cut me or someone else off already. I wish other people would do the same.
I do it all the time. Here's the thing. I've been rearended a few too many times by people traveling to close to my bumper so I try to leave a proper following distance between me and the car in front. For most people, that is an invitation to pass me on the left and swerve in front of me. Try to keep a safe following distance just slows me down even more, causing more people to pull that trick.

It's one thing if it is the normal ebb and flow of traffic, and I don't do it for any certain group of people (car type, gender, national origin). The only "group" is people who gun it, pass on the right, and slam on their brakes in front of me.


one thing ive learned about riding in San diego, "let it go, your going to pass them anyway"
