

New Member
so im riding on monday going to get an anniversary gift for my g/f, our 1 year is tomorrow. and im coming off the freeway, it was an uphill chicane and i got cut off forcing me to slow down, braking caused me to widen the turn and i hit a curb on the side of the freeway. flew off my bike and landed on my shoulder, rolled bounced and slid a couple feet. truck didnt even stop. passerby saw me and came to help, he took me home and then returned to the scene so AAA could tow it to my house. went to the hospital and they said its a stage 3 AC separation which might require surgery. went to USC medical today and they took more x-rays, told me it was only a stage-2 and it should fix itself in a couple weeks, in the mean time im in a sling with a separated shoulder. CHP towed my bike since it was unattended, cost 215 to get out today. the whole front assembly and fairings need to be replaced. wearing all my gear only got a couple bruises and this shoulder problem. luckily no head/neck/spine damage or any broken bones, just a few stretched ligaments.

leasson learned, expect the unexpected. damn only being able to use one hand.... ill get some pics up thursday or so...
at least ur okay

thats all that really counts, hope u recover fast, my bud once told me their are only 2 kinds of riders...those who fall, and those who are gonna fall.
thanks both of you, my g/f is taking excellent care of me so im sure i will be back to cooking with both hands soon.
Glad to hear you did not get hurt too bad. Bikes can be fixed or replaced. Hope you are able to get back to riding soon. Happy anniversary.:cheer:
Sorry to hear about the tumble. I'm glad it wasn't serious. It really burns me when people don't even stop to check afterward. I was in the wife's cage tonight and a suburban nearly ran us off the road. They don't pay attention to cars, let alone bikes. You are your own keeper. Stay alert and arrive alive!

Heal up soon and get back to riding!!
Glad to hear you're alright. Sorry about the a-hole, but thank you to the guy who stopped.

Happy Anny.
Been there with you! Heal soon and I am glad you'll be OK. I still haven't attended to the scratches on my fairing but am getting custom decals for the bike, (going somewhat old school). I don't know why but I might just repair the scratches, seeing where they were is kind of like a historical record I guess. A reminder of the depth of choice we make? Ride On!!
it give the bike a pesonality

Been there with you! Heal soon and I am glad you'll be OK. I still haven't attended to the scratches on my fairing but am getting custom decals for the bike, (going somewhat old school). I don't know why but I might just repair the scratches, seeing where they were is kind of like a historical record I guess. A reminder of the depth of choice we make? Ride On!!

it makes the bike ur.
Heal up soon:)

Wow, thats just sad when they dont look back and stop. :eek:

Glad to hear you are alive and on the road to recovery. Happy Anniversary!
