Throttle Happy

pt jen

New Member
Is there such a thing as being too throttle happy?

I think maybe only in rush hour because of all the cars that are usually in my freakin' way..................:jawdrop:
Sometimes.... :D

Love the pic. I definitely think that pic is the perfect example! I feel sorry for the guy though.
Nice photo. I wonder whats going through his mind right at that moment…."I wonder if my wheelchair will go this fast"
Here is a clip of his highside that led to the pic.

[ame=]Caida de lorenzo en China - YouTube[/ame]
on this bike, you'd have to be leaned over way far in first or second gear and crack the throttle hard, or the road would have to be wet/slick. otherwise, I think you're pretty safe as far as breaking traction w/ the back wheel goes w/o braking.
I was too throttle happy last night riding back from Vancouver.

Apparently our speedometers ARE accurate. Radar had me at 132 km/h in a 100 zone passing a tractor trailer, was spot on with my speedometer. LEO threatened to impound my bike for 'street racing'.... I was apologetic and he just cited me for speeding against a hwy sign instead. :surrender:

I was too throttle happy last night riding back from Vancouver.

Apparently our speedometers ARE accurate. Radar had me at 132 km/h in a 100 zone passing a tractor trailer, was spot on with my speedometer. LEO threatened to impound my bike for 'street racing'.... I was apologetic and he just cited me for speeding against a hwy sign instead. :surrender:

lol close one
