Think you had a bad day at work?


New Member
As some of you know I am a building official working for the Health Department. I was doing a standard inspection for a home with several special needs foster children. The foster parents are great people and do a big service for these kids no one wants.

I was making sure all their GFIs worked, smoke alarms had good batteries, structure was habitable ect.

A little fella about 3-4 years old with downs syndrome was following me around with a flashlight (i use a light to check HVAC, fuse box ect so he was mimicking me)

I finished my inspection and gave the mom a copy of my paperwork. She gave me a hug and said see you next time (i have done their inspection 7 years now)

the little boy who was shadowing me as I worked came under my clipboard to give me a hug. before i knew it my crotch was being embraced by this little angel as i squirmed to a less creepy position to hug him back.

ZAP! pain flared through my body like a jolt from a tazer. HE WAS BITING DOWN! ON MY GENTLEMAN SAUSAGE! OH my God I let out a garbled yelp and backed away as "mom" grabbed the boy. she pulled and I shit you not his body was damn near horizontal between us! his small sharp teeth clamped onto "ole thunder" through my jeans and boxers.

She reached her finger into his mouth and he let go sacrificing her index finger for my damaged "one eyed wonder worm"

I went to my knees in shock, FEAR and pain. seriously I thought my custard cannon was severed.

I excused myself to her bathroom to find he had sandwiched the tip of my beef probe with the area behind the head smashing the helmet between his capable gleaming white little chompers. The in between was blueish and there was a drop of blood coming out of the pee hole.

I stumbled to my truck, called my boss who met me at the E.R. (how embarrassing to tell the doctor a little boy bit my trouser trout.)

I will heal. My "bone ranger" will heal, it is sore as *uck! hurts to pee. My bosses boss showed at the E.R. as I came out he told me to take the rest of the day off and tomorrow as well. worst part will be facing my co-workers.

damn..................damn.................that's all I got folks, i don't hold the kid or his fosters responsible. shit happens but this is horrible.
I'm getting the sweats just hearing this story.

I know how strong those down-syndrome kids are.
I've got a new mental note to self after hearing this story, right in front of the reminder not to get a neck tattoo.

I bet it felt great when the pain stopped though.

You can get Kevlar "chino style" jeans now that look like office pants, possibly you could endorse them with that story.

- can slide down the road for 4 seconds longer than other brands
- added protection in case your willy gets chomped at work.

Possibly work may have to sponsor some regular BJs for you to prevent long term psychological damage.
I'm getting the sweats just hearing this story.

I know how strong those down-syndrome kids are.
I've got a new mental note to self after hearing this story, right in front of the reminder not to get a neck tattoo.

I bet it felt great when the pain stopped though.

You can get Kevlar "chino style" jeans now that look like office pants, possibly you could endorse them with that story.

- can slide down the road for 4 seconds longer than other brands
- added protection in case your willy gets chomped at work.

Possibly work may have to sponsor some regular BJs for you to prevent long term psychological damage.

i have some kevlar jeans i wear when i ride but i fear they would not have helped as it was a smashing/crushing event and his fangs did not go through the denim.

i am sore today. going to drink a couple beers after noon and play vid games on the dime of my work. i would have slept in but i had to fix breakfast and take my son who does not bite to school
Wow, quite a story. Hope you mend soon and are not "scarred" by this experience. On a lighter note, I don't think I've ever seen so many euphemisms for penis :)
As some of you know I am a building official working for the Health Department. I was doing a standard inspection for a home with several special needs foster children. The foster parents are great people and do a big service for these kids no one wants.

I was making sure all their GFIs worked, smoke alarms had good batteries, structure was habitable ect.

A little fella about 3-4 years old with downs syndrome was following me around with a flashlight (i use a light to check HVAC, fuse box ect so he was mimicking me)

I finished my inspection and gave the mom a copy of my paperwork. She gave me a hug and said see you next time (i have done their inspection 7 years now)

the little boy who was shadowing me as I worked came under my clipboard to give me a hug. before i knew it my crotch was being embraced by this little angel as i squirmed to a less creepy position to hug him back.

ZAP! pain flared through my body like a jolt from a tazer. HE WAS BITING DOWN! ON MY GENTLEMAN SAUSAGE! OH my God I let out a garbled yelp and backed away as "mom" grabbed the boy. she pulled and I shit you not his body was damn near horizontal between us! his small sharp teeth clamped onto "ole thunder" through my jeans and boxers.

She reached her finger into his mouth and he let go sacrificing her index finger for my damaged "one eyed wonder worm"

I went to my knees in shock, FEAR and pain. seriously I thought my custard cannon was severed.

I excused myself to her bathroom to find he had sandwiched the tip of my beef probe with the area behind the head smashing the helmet between his capable gleaming white little chompers. The in between was blueish and there was a drop of blood coming out of the pee hole.

I stumbled to my truck, called my boss who met me at the E.R. (how embarrassing to tell the doctor a little boy bit my trouser trout.)

I will heal. My "bone ranger" will heal, it is sore as *uck! hurts to pee. My bosses boss showed at the E.R. as I came out he told me to take the rest of the day off and tomorrow as well. worst part will be facing my co-workers.

damn..................damn.................that's all I got folks, i don't hold the kid or his fosters responsible. shit happens but this is horrible.

Sounds like a future Opie to me...


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my boss called me today (i stayed home) he said the lady came up and brought me a $50 gift card to olive garden which I cannot accept by city policy.

She apologized profusely. hey some kids just bite. and some people get bit in sensitive places. i don;t want to think any harder about it than that

Dude, that sucks so much, glad to hear your ok
