There are those who haven't gone down yet.... and then there's MistahT

I know, I need to get them. I work at a motorcycle shop and I can get them at a discounted price too! Geez, what am I thinking?

Dragonblu, I'm in Bend. I'm still saving for my exhaust. But I'm not sure that will ever come. I have too much on my plate to pay off before I can purchase an exhaust for my lovely lady.
Sorry to hear MistahT! Glad to hear things were pretty minimal. Stay safe out there all! This is a good reminder to me also to stay sharp. I've only been riding for about 4 months now, and not 4 years like you. I've already had many close calls, but thankfully, haven't been down yet. *knock on wood*
Ugh, glad you're ok, definitely could have been worse if the gear / frame sliders weren't part of the equation.

Being a really new rider this is one of my fears, not knowing how much lean the bike can take, how much grip the tires have, when a tire is warm, etc etc.

I definitely have 'chicken stripes' on my tires (about an inch wide on each side, maybe less) so I think my bike can lean more but I don't really pay attention nor do I try and get rid of them. That and my day to day ride is just a bunch of 90 degree turns and straights/almost straight curves

In my car whenever I'm unsure about how it will act in a given situations I can find a secluded parking lot and try stuff. Can't exactly push a bike like that to test things lol,
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I know, I need to get them. I work at a motorcycle shop and I can get them at a discounted price too! Geez, what am I thinking?

Dragonblu, I'm in Bend. I'm still saving for my exhaust. But I'm not sure that will ever come. I have too much on my plate to pay off before I can purchase an exhaust for my lovely lady.

You work at Pro-Caliber, right?

That's where I got my 6r back in June!
It's a good job that frame slider and exhaust took the brunt of it.
The fairings still look perfect to me. I did more damage dropping it at standstill once (without frame sliders).

I'm wondering what would the big guy in Twist of the Wrist say ? "too tense in the butt thru the corner, too stiff on the bar, its sliding early" :)

Cold tires or loose gravel at night can give a few tense ass moments when the front slides out, I must have been lucky a few times already to catch it, I might have to slow down.
Of course, she said good thing I didn't wreck it, cause she won't let me buy another one!!

Thats what collision insurance is for right?
