The forums fastest member needed controlled finesse to tame the dragon...


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:confused: Is NO ONE wearing leg protection? Weird... Especially on a road like that.

Pucks & leather's were not worn by others until later in the trip...

I took my over pants but never wore them. It is what it is...

Yeah, not doggin... just thought it was strange for that road to see that many people not wearing any.

Looks like you had a blast though. :thumbup:
Stay off that yellow line boys, youre going to get jacked up! looks fun though.

Very true!

That yellow line is a Son of a Gun. Stay off the paint no matter what, that's how you low side or even worse high side... you slip while over the line and then catch and get tossed off the other side.

I've gotten a couple scares from it myself. Never try to accelerate hard when crossing a line as well.

I was passing a Q-tip some months ago because he was doing a good 20mph below the speed limit. Coming around him leaned over from turning hard combined with hitting the gas the rear tire spun pretty good and the bike started to slip out from under me. Then hit the bare pavement again and caught traction.

Let me tell you, that is enough to really cause the butthole to pucker up a lot. Could have shattered a pistachio at that point...

That is just the most recent reminder I have had to stay off the damn lines. I've had a few of them over the years of riding and I've been lucky each time that it's happened but I was never a hard cornering person and if I can spin out while even upright and just hitting the gas a little rough then all it takes is a fraction of throttle in a full lean will certainly get that rear to spin out.

And that's just a sport touring 1000, with only 125 to the rear wheel. Nothing like most SS bikes over 750cc. Granted I have a lot of torque in that motor but still I don't have those high revs like a SS motor does.

Much the same as FZ6R that most of the other members of this site have... :lol:
Right! But not only the slide you need to worry about but the guy on or over the line coming the other way!

that's the other part but that's not something that you can always convince other riders of. Also riding side by side is a really stupid thing in hard corners... I've seen that one a few times over the years. It eventually ends badly.
Nice vids ten char
We had a guy on the trip that had a 14..... He also brought his 600 to the party...

He had a little trouble with the 14 as he had the bike all set up but didn't account for the thinner oxygen layer up in the mountains & said it was effecting his performance.....

did he have a tuner on the bike or something? if the tune is setup a certain way it can really screw with the air fuel ratios if you change altitudes.
