Thank You Frame Sliders!!!

I kind of had the same situation happen to me. I rode my bike over to Portland area for a softball tournament. In the mean time of parking my bike and putting all of my gear in my friends car, I had lost my debit card. So frantically looking for my card, I hear my softball girls yell up to me from the field that a little boy was literally using my bike as a jungle gym. I stopped looking for my card and immediately ran down there. By the time I got there, both the kid and his mom were gone.
Apparently, the mom was talking on a cell phone not caring what her son was doing. I didn't take that information too lightly when I heard it and started stomping around angrily. As soon as my girls pointed out the mom and the little boy, I walked over to her and politely asked her to keep her son off of my motorcycle. She was rather rude about it.:rant:!!! She just kind of shrugged me off and tried to keep on walking past me. In the mean-time, her son was heading straight for my bike AGAIN! Oh it PISSED ME OFF!!!!:banghead:. Then I got firm with the lady. And she finally layed the law down with her son. And me, being the nice person I am, I said thank you.
I wanted to beat the snot out of her REAL bad!!! But I was at a softball tournament with a bunch of 12-14 year old girls and I was the coach and that wouldn't have looked good for the parents. But I did tell the lady that it's either she gets her kid away from my bike or I'll go do it myself and the kid probably wouldn't like it very much.
Stupid people...I swear.
What the hell is wrong with people!!! If I was to ever catch anyone sitting on my bike.....they better be able to run fast.
Oh it was crazy!!! The only reason why I went easy on them because it was the little boy on it. He actually left dirty foot prints on my seat :mad:. He switched a few buttons, like my engine-cut off button.
but then what, go to his house and kick his ass for a frame slider? and a scratched brake lever?

Kick his ass? No no no.... Go over and start climbing all through and over his car and have a friend take pictures of you and when they come running out, tip his car over and leave! :D Eye for an eye, dammit! ;) :D

Seriously though... it's not worth the hassle to bother him in an angry way as you're right, you'll end up the one in trouble. I might be inclined to look him up then go over and ask for an apology and tell him that if he was a decent human being, he'd pay some restitution to you. If he balks, tell him he knows where you work and he can drop by anytime with the apology at the least.
